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Rabbi Steven Lebow's List: Weekly Torah Portion

    • They rang whenever the Kohen Gadol walked. The sound of the bells was a reminder  that there are some words that should never be heard, that they need to be  â€˜deleted’ before they are 'expleted
    • According to Rashi?s interpretation, the ?pomegranates? and  golden bells alternated all around the bottom of the Me?il.

      These  pomegranates and bells are an indispensable part of the design of the Me?il.  They are not only decorative; they are functional:
      and its sound shall be  heard when he comes to the Holy, before Hashem, and when he goes out?  
      Moreover, the sound of the bells prevent the death of the Kohen Gadol:  
      ?so that he shall not die.
      From this Rashi (28:35) deduces a law for all  the priestly vestments:
      ?From the negative one can derive the positive: if he  will have them he will not be liable for death; thus, if he enters lacking one  of these garments he is liable for death at the hands of Heaven.?
      Rashi?s  sources are Sanhedrin 83a and Zevachim 17b; Rambam (?Laws of the Sanctuary  Vessels? 10:4) rules that this is the law.

      Why must the sound of the  bells be heard? And by whom?
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