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Brian _'s List: Personal Development

    • It usually takes only 5-10 minutes.
    • Instead of pushing yourself to act, you’re riding a wave of energy that is actually pushing you.

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    • Guarantee the fun parts of your life first, and then schedule your work around them.
    • . D   ecide in advance what times you will allocate each week to family time, entertainment, exercise, social activities, and personal hobbies. Guarantee an abundance of all your favorite leisure activities. > Then limit the amount of working hours each week to whatever is left. > >
    • When you want to make a change in your life, especially a big one, you’ll typically meet resistance along the way. An effective strategy for rendering such resistance powerless is the strategy of overwhelming force. This is a military strategy of course, but we can co-opt it for our own personal development as well. Instead of merely dipping your toes into the change you’d like to make, you dive into it headfirst. Instead of undercommitting resources, you overcommit.
    • Think of all the personal resources you can use to apply overwhelming force to one of your goals — your intelligence, intuition, skills, talents, time, money, family, relationships, reputation, assets, environment, etc. If you find that you’re stuck in a stalement vs. the resistance working against you (whether internal or external), then perhaps it’s time to apply to the strategy of overwhelming force and just get the job done.

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    • Whenever you set a new goal, you’re unlikely to achieve it unless your habits already support it. If your goal runs afoul of your current habits, you’ll need to change your habits in order to achieve your goal.
    • Identify Habits to Support Your Goals


      When you set a new goal, think about what habits would enable you to put that goal on autopilot, thereby making it a done deal.

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    • Once you’ve overcome inertia, it’s much easier to keep going.
    • Yet we often psyche ourselves out of getting started by mentally thinking about the change as something permanent — before we’ve even begun.

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    • What personal stories have you locked away in the secret vault of your mind, vowing never to share them publicly? What would shame you terribly if it were ever posted on the Internet and connected with your real name for anyone to see? What events or habits from your past or present would you feel embarrassed to talk about?


      This is precisely what you need to share with others — openly and publicly.

    • Authenticity


      If you can’t share your humiliation publicly, you haven’t gotten over it yet. And if you’re not over it yet, you’ve still got this gaping wound in your heart, and it will always keep you from being 100% authentic.

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    • A huge part of a man’s attractiveness comes from his ability to lead.
    • “….Just DECIDE, what it’s going to be, who you’re going to be, and how you’re going to do it, just DECIDE, and then from that point, the universe is going to get out of your way, it’s like water…” - Will Smith

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    • One of the surest ways to display confidence is by having a strong, clear voice that isn’t afraid of being heard.
    • you should talk in a volume that can move easily across a room, and in a clear tone that everyone can understand.

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    • The type of person that is unafraid to live how they want, totally free from restraint.
    • A badass has an “I don’t give a damn” attitude.

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    • A while back, one of my friends was telling me a story - the topic of the story was not particularly interesting – but the way that he told the story kept me so engaged that not even a grenade blowing through the wall of the room could have distracted me.
    • I’m talking about having a whole room filled with dozens of people captivated

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    • If you had MASSIVE amounts of confidence in yourself, how would your life be different right now?


      What would be different in your career? How would your relationships change?


      No matter who you are, you can build unstoppable confidence.

    • But waiting for external factors to give you confidence is like building your house on sandy ground. When the flood comes, your house will be washed away and left in ruins.

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    • What would your personality be like if you hung around the 300 Spartans? For one, it would probably help eradicate every bit of wuss you have lying around inside.
    • your image is useless if there’s no personality behind it to communicate.


      Then the question arose: what are the most EFFECTIVE ways to build an attractive personality?

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    • Plan
      Before you go to bed today, write down exactly what you are going to work on tomorrow.
    • This can be as simple as writing down the three most important tasks that you have to accomplish the next day.

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    • What happens when you need to make a big decision? The trick is to apply some of your gut instincts that you use in your daily, simple decision making to the big choices too.
    • 10 Steps to Simplify a Complicated Decision

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