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Ryan Provost's List: Annotated Bibliography Homework

  • Oct 07, 12

    Mclaverty, Peter. "Socialism And Libertarianism." Journal Of Political Ideologies 10.2 (2005): 185-198. Academic Search Premier. Web. 7 Oct. 2012.

    I found this article during a search on Libertarianism, which is very relevant to my topic. The author outlines the core principles of socialism and libertarianism, and demonstrates that they are incompatible. The definitions of the competing ideologies may prove useful in my argument,

  • Oct 07, 12

    Addison, F. Gibbons. "A Proposed Wealth Redistribution System Based On The Underlying Premise Of Revenue Sharing In American Pro Sports." Texas Law Review 89.5 (2011): 1179-1201. Academic Search Premier. Web. 7 Oct. 2012.

    This looks interesting. I am attempting to find arguments against capitalism, and I suspect this article will accomodate me int hat respect

  • Sep 23, 12

    Levy, Neil. "Cognitive Scientific Challenges to Morality." Philosophical Psychology (2006): 567-587. EBSCO Host. Web. 22 Sep. 2012.

    A scientific insight into morality from the standpoint of human cognition, whether morality is a valid construct based on recent findings in neuroscience.

  • Sep 16, 12

    Zingales, Luigi. When business and government are bedfellows. Prospero, The Economist. Weblog. 23 Aug. 2012. 15 Sep. 2012.

    A very insightful blog post from an expert on the problems that arise when business and government become intertwined. The author is Luigi Zingales, an economist from the University of Chicago. The article is decidedly pro-capitalist in principle, but it derides the intertwining of markets and government, which leads to a very non-capitalistic set of conditions. It is, unfortunately, these conditions of instability that most Americans confuse with pure capitalism, and I intend to use this article as a means to prove that these "crony capitalists" are not capitalists at all.

  • Sep 16, 12

    What is Morality? The Philosophical and Theological Foundations of Moral Debate 2-23-07
    TheFederalistSociety. What is Morality? The Philosophical and Theological Foundations of Moral Debate. Online Video. 21 Apr 2011. 15 Sep 2012.

    This is an excellent if lengthy forum discussing the particulars of morality within a legal framework. It is enormously important to my research. The audience is comprised chiefly of law students, and the speakers are all law professor or philosophers. The forum is held by the Federalist Society. In it, two of the speakers Randy Barnett and Robert Barnes, offer excellent descriptions of morality as a private and public institution, contrasting the two forms.

  • Sep 09, 12

    Brooks, David. "The Capitalism Debate." The New York Times 17 July 2012: A25. Print. 8 Sep. 2012.

    D4-4 Newpaper article citation. This article lists the many faults Americans find with capitalism. It will help me to anticipate the arguments against my topic and enable me to counter them more effectively.

  • Sep 09, 12

    Wehner, Peter and Arthur C. Brooks. Wealth & Justice: The Morality of Democratic Capitalism. Washington, D.C.: American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, 2011. Google Book Search. Web. 8 Sep. 2012.

    This book was discovered through a Google search of eBooks. It deals almost entirely with my topic, and I will make extensive use of it in my research. The chapter on the nature of humanity with respect to capitalism will be of particular use.

  • Sep 01, 12

    Smith, Adam. The Wealth of Nations. New York: P.F. Collier & Son, 1902. Google Books. eBook. 1 Sep 2012.

    This book is the basis of almost all theories of western economics, and the chief proponent of Capitalism. I will specifically cite Chapter IV: On the Origin and Use of Money in my research paper as it directly relates to my definition of capitalism as an objectively moral system

  • Sep 01, 12

    Anderson, Owen. "Moral Objectivity and Responsibilitiy In Ethics: A Socratic Response To Hume's Legacy In the 20th Century." Heythrop Journal 51.2 (2010): 178-191. EBSCO Host. Web. 1 Sep 2012.

    This was discovered during a journal article search on the MCC Online Library. It analyzes the argument for objective morality and relates directly to my proposed research

  • Sep 01, 12

    Leeson, Peter. "Two Cheers for Capitalism?" Society May. 2010: 227-233. EBSCO Host. Web. 1 Sep. 2012

    I found this article using the Academic Search Premier feature of the MCC Online Library. While it does not address the specific philosophy for Capitalism, it nevertheless illustrates the practical benefits to those societies which moved toward capitalism and away from statism.

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