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Arabica Robusta's List: World Bank Poverty Reduction Strategies

    • Here, education has rather dubiously been legally framed as a commodity, somewhere between a ‘service’ and a ‘good,’ the latter of which it is increasingly coming closer to resembling.  
    • Another notable establishment of the market ideology of education can be seen in the EU directives of so-called ‘freedom.’ Although ‘freedom’ may be the most abused term in liberalized capitalism, in this context, it refers to deregulated movement – which I strictly refer to here as ‘mobility.’ In the EU, movement is divided between mobility, which is protected by law – and migration, which is punishable by law. There are 4 ‘freedoms’ protected by the EU, consisting of the free (or deregulated) mobility of goods, services, citizens and capital (which the first 3 elements in fact constitute).

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