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Paul Gillin's List: Social Media Research

  • Nov 14, 09

    Overall, interactive marketing will near $55 billion by 2014, but some industries -- like consumer goods, automotive, and media and entertainment -- will grow interactive investment faster than others.

    This year's forecast includes a B2B category that consists of business services -- like accounting firms, consultancies, and agencies, as well as the business trade elements of all other industries, like marketing between a manufacturer and resellers. This category will stay at about 9% of the overall interactive pie over the next five years, growing from $2.3 billion today to $4.8 billion in 2014 as B2B marketers adopt emerging media and improve the sophistication of existing efforts.

    • This year's forecast includes a B2B category that consists of business services -- like accounting firms, consultancies, and agencies, as well as the business trade elements of all other industries, like marketing between a manufacturer and resellers. This category will stay at about 9% of the overall interactive pie over the next five years, growing from $2.3 billion today to $4.8 billion in 2014 as B2B marketers adopt emerging media and improve the sophistication of existing efforts.
  • Aug 04, 09

    What happens when consumers' shared experiences are more interesting than anything your marketing department can provide? Marketers have to learn the tools of interaction in order to survive.

    • What will happen when these consumer experiences are much more interesting than anything your marketers have put up on the Web?
    • Smirnoff used the viral-video marketing vehicle Tea Partay to promote its Raw Tea product. The campaign was a hit on YouTube.

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  • Mar 12, 09

    At its essence, Twitter is nothing more than an RSS feed. The tools are what make it so valuable. Online Best Colleges has come up with this great list of 100 Twitter tools that do everything from identify people you haven't tweeted in a long time to figure out how much time you waste on Twitter. And you can waste a LOT of time on Twitter!

  • May 31, 08

    "More than three-quarters of marketers surveyed said they will increase their social media spending during the next three years, according to Eloqua's "State of the Marketer" report. A full 74% said they plan to increase their direct e-mail spending while about two-thirds will spend more on mobile texting and SMS.

    "Respondents were bullish on online ad spending overall, with nine out of 10 saying they would continue to increase their direct online ad budgets. The spending increases are likely to come at the expense of print ads, since 55% of respondents said they will probably decrease print ad spending in the next three years."

    • More than three-quarters of marketers surveyed said they will increase their social media spending during the next three years, according to Eloqua's "State of the Marketer" report. A full 74% said they plan to increase their direct e-mail spending while about two-thirds will spend more on mobile texting and SMS.
  • Apr 27, 08

    Influencer marketing is moving into the mainstream, with seven of 10 respondents to a recent study indicating that they'll target influentials in the coming year. The trend is most pronounced among marketers the researchers classified as "leaders," of those who use the most sophisticated tactics and tools.

  • Apr 27, 08

    The companies studied podcast advertising from February 2006 to March 2008 across multiple product categories and ad types. Unaided awareness for podcast ads was 68%, compared with 21% for streaming video and 10% for television.

    “The data suggest audiences are paying close attention to show content and the embedded ads within them which greatly increased ad effectiveness in the studies,” said Doug Keith, president of Future Research Consulting. “The high unaided ad recall figures are no doubt the results of a less cluttered environment.”

    “The studies showed a 73% increase in likelihood to use or buy an advertised product," said Velvet Beard, vice president at Podtrac. "The studies showed that 69% of audience members have a more favorable view of in-show advertisers."

    • EMARKETER IS FORECASTING U.S. ONLINE ad spending to reach almost $28 billion in 2008--with the market buoyed by the presidential election and the Beijing Olympics, among other factors. That's up nearly 29% from this year.
    • Social media was a major focus for U.S. advertisers in 2007, and eMarketer is pegging that trend to continue, with spending on social networks slated to top $1.5 billion in 2008. According to Debra Aho Williamson, an eMarketer senior analyst, that 163% jump from last year's $920 million will not be solely focused on ads on sites like MySpace or Facebook.
    • social media market spending

      - Paul Gillin on 2008-01-03
    • Merrill Lynch predicts overall ad spending in the U.S. for 2008 will grow 2.3%, while the portion of that spending on the Web will increase 18%. Publicis Groupe's ZenithOptimedia says it expects the amount spent on Internet advertising to overtake spending on radio in 2008, and spending on magazines in 2010.
    • Development #1: Advertising agency McKinney, eschewing the conventional corporate holiday card mailing, "incarerates" 24-year-old production coordinator Ben  Eckerson in a snowglobe. (12/13)


      Why It Matters: The snowglobe was one of the most innovative B2B viral marketing campaigns ever. In addition to creating a solid social media-optimized campaign (live video feed, Facebook page, MySpace page, blog, social bookmark links, online store) McKinney leveraged the opportunity to create an HR bonanza, linking to "Jobs At McKinney" on every page. In its third day, CBS' Early Show picked up on the story.


      Business Value: By using a lot of creativity and an even measure of social media to optimize a seemingly mundane corporate communications platform, the holiday card, McKinney made national news, dozens of blogs, and likely netted a few really creative young hires. I'll check in with them in 60 days to see if that part worked.

    • Development #4: Pligg prepares the launch of Fraxi, a product that allows people to set up quick Digg-like social news aggregators, much like Ning allows users to set up social networks in minutes. (12/19)


      Business Value: Brands that aren't very tech-savvy will be able to set up vertical specific news-sites and enable community interaction, without overhauling their entire website.


      Actionable: Talk to your team about how current conversational portals are doing on your site, in terms of engagement, and see if installing something like Fraxi could increase that level of engagement.

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    • About 44% of US consumers will use social networking at least once a month. Although MySpace and Facebook will continue to dominate the market, changes are afoot that will extend social networking activities beyond a single destination site and into many other facets of the consumer Internet experience.
    • - Paul Gillin on 2007-12-27

    • About 44% of US consumers will use social networking at
      least once a month. Although MySpace and Facebook will continue to dominate the
      market, changes are afoot that will extend social networking activities beyond
      a single destination site and into many other facets of the consumer Internet
      - Paul Gillin on 2007-12-27
    • Figures from market research firm Strategy Analytics show that one billion people around the world will be signed up to social media websites come 2012. - Paul Gillin on 2007-12-26
    • eMarketer projects that, in 2007, 66 million adults will have shared advice about products and services and 27 million will exert influence online.
    • "Consumers in the BRIC countries are  tech-savvy, they are accessing more mobile media and they deem media  outlets to be more credible than do their U.S. counterparts. As more  corporations operate globally, communicators must be aware of these  differences." Furthermore, overall media consumption in the BRIC  countries is heavier than in the U.S., and BRIC consumers generally  rate media sources higher in credibility than do U.S. consumers.
    • The study reveals  that 22 percent of U.S. consumers use social networking sites, up from  17 percent in 2006, and 19 percent of consumers use blogs, up from 13  percent. Among consumers over the age of 55, use of blogs and social  networking sites more than doubled. At the same time, use of most other  media outlets slipped from a year earlier.

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    • eMarketer says that 32% of online adults use social networks at least once a month and that the figure will grow to nearly 50% by 2011. Among teens, usage is already well over half and will near 85% by 2011. Social nets clearly offer a level of connection that conventional news and information sites don't.

      Allan Cattier, Director of the
      Academic Technology Group at Emory University gave a mind-blowing
      statistic in his presentation to the Communintelligence Executing Social Media conference
      in Atlanta last month. He said Emory had surveyed its freshman class
      and found that more than 80% of the students log on to Facebook 18 or more times a day. Imagine how our institutions will be shaped by this trend in coming years. He also showed a compelling video

      called "A Vision of Students Today" created by Michael Wesch in collaboration with 200 students at Kansas State University. See below.

      - Paul Gillin on 2007-12-17

    • - Paul Gillin on 2007-12-17
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