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Patricia Leitner's List: 3.6 Digital Citizenship Presentaion

    • Egyptian security forces killed more than 50 protesters on October 6 in one of the bloodiest days of the ruling military's crackdown on the Muslim Brotherhood.
    • The end of political dictatorship. This requires a democratic redesign of the basic state institutions and a deepening of electoral accountability so that citizens can truly participate in democratic decision-making and oversight of state institutions. At the heart of this is reform of the judicial system, the restructuring of the police and security apparatuses, the broadening of the scope of local government and the purging of its apparatuses of dictatorial forces, the restoration of the right to freedom of association, and the removal of restrictions on the media.
    • The Dilemma says that if dictatorial rulers permit increased Internet penetration, they risk overthrow; if they do not, they isolate themselves from the global information economy, causing economic decline.
      • There were no protections
        for those writing
        against the Mubarak
        regime. Bloggers were
        arrested for what they
        wrote or for participating
        in demonstrations.

      • In a 2007 case that
        received global attention,
        Kareem Amer
        received a four-year
        prison sentence for
        blogging about religion
        and the president.

    11 more annotations...

    • The author relates her experience on combining traditional mass and digital media and challenges faced by journalists in covering the Egyptian political uprising. While working for the state-run newspaper "Al-Ahram," she set up her independent blog known as "Ala Baab Allah" to gather and deliver news without being affiliated with the government. She cites several journalists who lose their jobs or were imprisoned for challenging the reign of former President Hosni Mubarak.
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