36 items | 37 visits
Resources helping to teach social learning. Information on social stories and other social learning.
Updated on Jun 07, 13
Created on Dec 10, 11
Category: Schools & Education
All about Social Stories: Samples, Examples, & Apps
Remember the general principles of social stories. Check out the Gray Center for traditional social story guidelines. However, many social stories are modified and can be looked at as personal participation stories. It is important to be reminded of some guiding principles. Reminder: Look critically at all samples of social stories- remember the general rules and ideas for social stories/modified social stories/personal participation stories: Use Positive Language (not threaten consequences), Provide Information (not demand), Provide Social Information (not schedules), Provide Possible Solutions, Use Non-Specific Language (try to, might, usually, probably, etc.).
Information from the developer of social stories. Has many resources on social learning and understanding
Examples of Social Stories
General examples of social stories that can help creating social stories that can be modified specifically for individuals
Samples and more samples of social stories. Brief description.
Social Story Apps
Apps to Create Social Stories
Getting Started With Social Stories
Resources for people unfamiliar with using social stories as learning techniques with children with Autism. An area with information about learning what social stories are and how they can help facilitate social learning.
Introduction to social stories. Description and information on creating social stories.
Social Stories: How Do They Help?
Information about how social stories help teach children enhance social learning and evidence about it has helped others.
Social Stories For Specific Situations
Useful social stories for emergencies, safety, medical situations, holidays and traveling.
taking the work our of blood work. visual supports and other info
36 items | 37 visits
Resources helping to teach social learning. Information on social stories and other social learning.
Updated on Jun 07, 13
Created on Dec 10, 11
Category: Schools & Education