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Max Forte's List: Indigenous News

    • 'Short-sighted' new Kahnawake law excludes Mohawks adopting non-indigenous children


      How should adopting and raising child as Onkwehón:we be even remotely negative, asks Steve Bonspiel


          By Steve Bonspiel, for CBC News  <script>  if (!_sf_async_config){ var _sf_async_config = {}; }  if (!!_sf_async_config.authors){  _sf_async_config.authors += ",Steve Bonspiel";  }else{  _sf_async_config.authors = "Steve Bonspiel";  }  if(!CBC) { var CBC = {}; }  if(!CBC.APP) { CBC.APP = {}; }  if(!CBC.APP.SC) { CBC.APP.SC = {}; }  CBC.APP.SC.authors = "Steve Bonspiel, for CBC News";  </script>    Posted: Mar 24, 2016

    • If a Mohawk couple adopts a child who is not indigenous, the adoptive parents have committed an "offence," according to a new law in Kahnawake, Que.


      Those same parents, who sacrificed, changed their lives and reached out to make something so delicate as an adoption happen, will pay for that decision dearly, according to a new amendment to the Kahnawake membership law.


      The adoptive parents will lose their rights as Kahnawake Mohawks — which include voting here, living here, being buried here.

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    • Donald Trump on Elizabeth Warren: ‘She’s got about as much Indian blood as I have’
    • By Nik DeCosta-Klipa @NikDeCostaKlipa 
     Staff | 03.20.16

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    • Canada’s prisons are the ‘new residential schools’


      A months-long investigation reveals that at every step, Canada’s justice system is set against Indigenous people



    • Canada’s crime rate just hit a 45-year low. It’s been dropping for years—down by half since peaking in 1991. Bizarrely, the country recently cleared another benchmark, when the number of people incarcerated hit an all-time high. Dig a little further into the data, and an even more disquieting picture emerges.


      While admissions of white adults to Canadian prisons declined through the last decade, Indigenous incarceration rates were surging: Up 112 per cent for women. Already, 36 per cent of the women and 25 per cent of men sentenced to provincial and territorial custody in Canada are Indigenous—a group that makes up just four per cent of the national population. Add in federal prisons, and Indigenous inmates account for 22.8 per cent of the total incarcerated population.

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    • /   Cory Doctorow7:28 am Tue     Jan 26, 2016  

      1907 telegram: "Send arsenic...exterminate aborigines"

    • In 1907, Charles Morgan of Broome Station sent this telegram to Henry Prinsep, the Chief Protector of Aborigines for Western Australia, in Perth: "Send cask arsenic exterminate aborigines letter will follow." 


       Australia's program of genocide was based on the official doctrine of terra nullius, in whose name the first people of Australia were slaughtered and subjected to humiliations, depredations, and worse

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    • Send cask arsenic exterminate aborigines 

       This 1907 telegram was sent by a Charles Morgan to Henry Prinsep, a man seemingly based 2200km away in Perth who at the time was, surprisingly, Chief Protector of Aborigines for Western Australia. Following the arrival of British settlers in the 18th century, Australia's indigenous population were slowly faced with disease, loss of land, stolen generations and general violence. Sadly, the introduction of arsenic to their water and flour supplies wasn't uncommon.
       Transcript follows. Many thanks to Vivienne.
    • Transcript
       20 JUL 07
       TELEGRAM from Broome Station
       Addressed to H. Princep Esq, prot. of aborigines
       Send cask arsenic exterminate aborigines letter will follow
       Chas Morgan
    • Review of Rosie Scott and Anita Heiss (eds.), 2015, The Intervention, ‘concerned Australians’, 272 pp.

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    • Louis Riel: Canadians and Indigenous Peoples continue to pay respect, 130 years later


      Riel fought for values 'Canadians hold dear — equality, pluralism, and social justice,' minister says


          By Tiar Wilson, CBC News    Posted: Nov 16, 2015

    • One hundred and thirty years after Louis Riel was hanged for treason, Canadians and indigenous people alike continue to commemorate his death at events and on social media.


      Riel is known to be one of Canada's most controversial figures. While the Métis have always viewed him as a hero, many felt he was a traitor because he led the North West Rebellion.


      Riel was hanged for treason on Nov. 16, 1885, in Regina.

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    • <tr style="background:#eee;"><td colspan="2" style="font-size: medium; padding: 5px;color: #000; font-weight: bold; text-align: center;">SANTA CRUZ: MAY 4 AS A PANACEA</td><br/> </tr><br/> <tr style="background:#eee;"><br/> <td><div class="s_key"><a rel="nofollow" oldtitle="Date" alt="The date the document was created." data-hasqtip="true" title="" class="i">Date:</a></div><div title=" 2008 April 2, 15:58 (Wednesday)" class="s_val">2008 April 2, 15:58 (Wednesday)</div></td><br/> <td><div class="s_key"><a rel="nofollow" oldtitle="Canonical ID" alt="Unique document identification number.<br /><br /><i>We have created a canonical ID by taking the original document ID and adding a '_' at the end and then WikiLeaks' annotation for different datasets: Cablegate = a, the Kissinger Cables = b, etc. If document IDs are duplicated in the original datasets we number each duplicate, eg 1976WARSAW05657_b2 is the second document with that ID in the Kissinger Cables.</i>" data-hasqtip="true" title="" class="i">Canonical ID:</a></div><div title=" 08LAPAZ717_a" class="s_val">08LAPAZ717_a</div></td><br/> </tr><br/> <tr><br/> <td><div class="s_key"><a rel="nofollow" oldtitle="Original Classification" alt="Classification the document was originally given when produced.<br /><br /><a rel="nofollow" href=&quot;/plusd/about-oc/&quot; class=&quot;j&quot;>Citations for acronyms used are available here.</a>" data-hasqtip="true" title="" class="i">Original Classification:</a></div><div title=" UNCLASSIFIED,FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY" class="s_val">UNCLASSIFIED,FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY</div></td><br/> <td><div class="s_key"><a rel="nofollow" oldtitle="Current Classification" alt="Classification the document currently holds.<br /><br /><a rel="nofollow" href=&quot;/plusd/about-cc/&quot; class=&quot;j&quot;>Citations for acronyms used are available here.</a>" data-hasqtip="true" title="" class="i">Current Classification:</a></div><div title=" UNCLASSIFIED,FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY" class="s_val">UNCLASSIFIED,FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY</div></td><br/> </tr><br/><br/> <tr><br/> <td><br/><div class="s_key"><a rel="nofollow" oldtitle="Handling Restrictions" alt="All handling restrictions governing the document distribution that have been used to date.<br /><br /><i>In the metadata of the Kissinger Cables this field is called 'Previous Handling Restrictions'.<br /><br />Cablegate does not originally have this field. 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    • 1. (SBU) Summary: During a March 26-28 visit to Santa Cruz, American  Presence Post officer found the city surprisingly calm and  optimistic, although individual Santa Cruz citizens are outraged.  They cite an increasingly long list of grievances and complaints  against the central government, and they are putting all their  energy and hopes into the May 4 referendum on the draft autonomy  statute. Expectations among the population are high, and civic  leaders recognize that hand-in-hand with the get-out-the-vote  campaign they must dampen expectations for what will happen on May  5. Nonetheless, they hope a resounding "yes" vote will mark the  beginning of a new negotiation (difficult though it will be) with  the Morales administration which will result in restructuring the  system of government in Bolivia. End summary.

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      Preventing Ethnic Fraud

        September 22, 2015



      Rachel Dolezal, the former head of the NAACP in Spokane, Wash., and adjunct instructor of Africana Studies at Eastern Washington University, made headlines this summer for claiming to be black even as her parents publicly insisted she was white. The case brought to light something that academe has dealt with for decades: faculty applicants claiming an ethnic affiliation they don’t actually possess, either to gain some kind of edge in the hiring process in terms helping an institution meet its diversity goals, or to appear more expert in one’s field, or both (or possibly neither). While a variety of ethnic and cultural groups have been the subject of such fraud, Native Americans might be the most consistently affected group.

    • In the wake of Ward Churchill's controversial comments about Sept. 11, for example, the former University of Colorado at Boulder historian was investigated for claiming Native American heritage that some dispute. More recently, this summer, ongoing skepticism regarding the Cherokee background of Andrea Smith, the well-known associate professor of media and cultural studies at the University of California at Riverside, boiled over again with a series of blog posts questioning her self-proclaimed identity.


      And just last week, Dartmouth College came under fire for hiring Susan Taffe Reed as director of its Native American Program, saying that her alleged tribal affiliation -- Eastern Delaware Nations -- isn’t a universally recognized tribe. The group isn't recognized by federal or state authorities, but she defends it as legitimate.

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    • About 36% of First Nations to lose funding for failing to report finances


      210 First Nations missed Aug. 28 deadline set by Aboriginal Affairs


          CBC News    Posted: Sep 01, 2015

    • More than a third of First Nation communities across the country will have some of their federal funding withheld, starting today, because they haven't publicly posted their financial information online.


      Under the First Nations Financial Transparency Act, which came into effect last year, First Nations have to submit their audited financial statements for the past fiscal year to the Canadian government, including the salaries and expenses of their chiefs and councillors. 


      That information is then published on an Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada website. 


      This year, 210 First Nations, or roughly 36 per cent, have not posted their financial information online, a significantly higher number than last year when 98 per cent of bands complied with the new law.

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    • Australians Protest Forced Indigenous Community Closures
      • Published 10 April 2015
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        Activists say Indigenous Australians are being forced off their land nationwide.

        Thousands of protesters rallied in Australia's two largest cities Friday against government plans to forcefully shut down Indigenous communities.            

        Indigenous elder and activist Jenny Munro said the rallies were a “call to arms” to all Australians.            

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    • Kahnawake mixed couple subject of 'marry out, stay out' protest


      Mohawk man, non-native wife say they are afraid for their family's safety


          By Tanya Birkbeck, CBC News    Posted: May 02, 2015

    • Dozens of protesters spent Saturday demonstrating in front of a house in Kahnawake, Que., where a Mohawk man lives with his non-native wife.

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    • Updated 

      Winnipeg Folk Festival urged to ban headdresses


      Woman spotted wearing traditional head piece, face paint angers festivalgoers


          CBC News    Posted: Jul 12, 2015

    • Angry festivalgoers took to Twitter over the weekend to air their frustrations after a woman was spotted at the Winnipeg Folk Festival Saturday night wearing a traditional feathered headdress and face paint.




      First Nation headdresses are usually only worn during special ceremonies. Even then, the headdress is reserved for a select few people — typically from the indigenous community — who earn the right to don the garment.


      That is why some people are now calling on festival organizers to ban the wearing of headdresses at the festival going forward.


      People at the Main Stage during Saturday night's musical performances saw a woman standing in the crowd wearing one of the traditional head pieces.


        <script async="" charset="utf-8" src="//"></script>  

      Déne Sinclair said she was taken aback when she saw the woman.


      "We were walking by on the way to a show last night and saw a young woman wearing a headdress and paint all over her face," Sinclair said. "I thought that was very strange and probably not appropriate, as a lot of other festivals have had a headdress ban in the past."

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    • New 

      Headdresses banned at Osheaga music festival


      Appropriated headdresses also outlawed by Heavy Montreal and ÎleSoniq


          CBC News    Posted: Jul 13, 2015

    • Montreal's Osheaga music festival says wearing a First Nations-style headdress is a fashion don't — it's asking festivalgoers to do away with the inappropriate "accessory."


      A Facebook post on the Osheaga 2015 page says: "First Nations Headdresses have a spiritual and cultural meaning in the native communities and to respect and honour their people, Osheaga asks fans and artists attending the festival to not use this symbol as a fashion accessory.


      Heavy Montreal and ÎleSoniq have also adopted the ban.


      The Osheaga website lists feathered headdresses and First Nations headdresses under things that aren't allowed at the festival.


      According to the website, any headdresses will be confiscated. 

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    • Pope Francis asks pardon for church's 'crimes' against indigenous peoples


      Francis acknowledged 'crimes committed against the native peoples during the so-called conquest of America'


          The Associated Press    Posted: Jul 10, 2015

    • Pope Francis apologized Thursday for the sins, offences and crimes committed by the Catholic Church against indigenous peoples during the colonial-era conquest of the Americas, delivering a powerful mea culpa on the part of the church in the climactic highlight of his South American pilgrimage.


      History's first Latin American pope "humbly" begged forgiveness during an encounter in Bolivia with indigenous groups and other activists and in the presence of Bolivia's first-ever indigenous president, Evo Morales.

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    • Listuguj Mi'kmaq $64M land settlement approved by Ottawa


      All residents in Listuguj to receive $15K share of settlement


          CBC News    Posted: May 08, 2015

    • The Federal government has approved the $64.5 million compensation package for people living in the Mi'kmaq community of Listuguj.


      The money will provide compensation for past loss of use of five parcels of land around the community.


      The land was taken for use outside the community, including for a highway and the entrance to the interprovincial bridge between Quebec and New Brunswick.

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    • Hawaiian Sovereignty and Island Knowledge

      Rebekah Garrison | University of Southern California
    • We include this interview in “The Decolonial Gesture” issue to signal the importance of native political struggles in relation to land claims and anti-militarization organizing in the Pacific Islands, and specifically for the case of Hawai‘i. For Kãnaka Maoli the ongoing colonization of their land space, language, education, and cultural heritage since Captain Cook’s arrival on the island in 1778, and illegal US annexation in 1898, amounts to ongoing violence and depletion, but also motivates fierce political activism for a future where sovereignty remains on the horizon. Dr. Haunani-KayTrask lays out an urgent vision against the vestiges of colonial usurpation and a legal system that discriminates against indigenous populations, beyond the new colonialisms brought by US settlers and the multi-billion dollar tourist industry. In this interview, Trask draws together the histories of the Pacific and the Caribbean, and invites new generations to challenge the projects of militarization, settler colonialism, and tourism as they are currently configured in the archipelagos. 

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    • Fake Cherokee?

        July 6, 2015


    • When the scandal broke last month over Rachel Dolezal, the Spokane, Wash., NAACP leader and adjunct instructor of Africana studies at Eastern Washington University who apparently faked being African-American, there was widespread discussion in academe. But Dolezal was not a major player in African-American studies.


      The focus on Dolezal has renewed scrutiny of Andrea Smith, associate professor of media and cultural studies at the University of California at Riverside, who is being accused of faking a Cherokee heritage that many say she lacks. Smith, unlike Dolezal, is a prominent scholar. Her books are considered significant in Native American studies, and her writing and public appearances have routinely included references to her having Cherokee roots.

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    • Amanda Deer, non-native boyfriend driven from Kahnawake home by protesters


      Criminal record of man is reason for protest on Mohawk territory, says Grand Chief Mike Delisle


          CBC News    Posted: May 18, 2015

    • Tensions remained high Monday on a Quebec reserve after a mixed-race couple and an 11-year-old boy were driven out of their home by protesters a day earlier. 


      There are conflicting views as to why some residents of the Kahnawake reserve near Montreal wanted Amanda Deer and her non-native boyfriend to leave. 

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