14 items | 62 visits
My list of URL's used for the story by the same name as this list, featured on my Website, www.nosocialism.com
Updated on Nov 12, 08
Created on Apr 30, 08
Category: Government & Politics
With Oil, Gas and Food prices at record highs and moving higher, Congress needs to show us that they care more about us, than they do about Millionaire Farmers, The Crazy Environmental Lobby that wants us to go back to living in huts, and the Big Oil inte
With Gas prices hovering at well over $3.00 a Gallon and pricing experts saying that Gas should hit $4.00 a gallon by summer, the only thing Congress is doing is increasing taxes on the oil industry which will GUARANTEE even higher gas prices moving forwa
Article talks about how great it is that Gas prices are going up
U.S. Policy on Oil production is hitting the poorest of the poor, those who make less than $2.00 a day, the hardest. Mostly because of environmental concerns, especially over Global Warming, The United States has been steadily reducing it's own drilling c
Bush calls on Congress to allow drilling in Anwr and do something about the lack of competition in the Oil business due to stifling regulations.
Congress focuses on Green Fuels, instead of trying to figure out how to lower gas prices. In fact they prefer prices stay high so "Green Alternatives" can compete.
Reagan showed us how to reduce Oil pirces, it's by eliminating excessive regulation.
Fantastic comparison of all the available "Green Fuels" and how they stack up to regular Gasonline.
The Earth has been cooling for the past decade in the southern hemisphere by about the same amount that it's been warming in the Northern Hemisphere.
Falsified documents show Sea Levels Rising. Here's the real story by the foremost expert in the field.
Judge rules that Gore's move has scientific errors, and these errors must be told to students if it's going to be shown in British Schools.
Glenn Beck talks about how SFC should be restarted to provide Oil from Coal.
14 items | 62 visits
My list of URL's used for the story by the same name as this list, featured on my Website, www.nosocialism.com
Updated on Nov 12, 08
Created on Apr 30, 08
Category: Government & Politics