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nicci mangano's List: waste management

  • Recycling Facts and Tips

  • Apr 07, 10

    search Cleanups in my Community to find out what's going on locally, background information on specific sites, and actions that are being taken

    • “My state’s better than your state,” should be the goal for each and every U.S. state. Childish? Maybe -- but drastic measures are necessary to curb the landfill and trash issues that the U.S. is facing. Make it your personal goal to see that your state not only stacks up, but surpasses other states in recycling trends
    • Some states currently offer well-used electronic recycling programs and others need to start them up. One of the best ways to get people to recycle drink bottles is to create bottle deposit regulations, but states differ on this.

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  • Apr 07, 10

    Not only does this site have information and facts about recycling, but it provides many additional links and resources to direct you to more information

    • Every year, each American throws out about 1,200 pounds of  organic garbage that can be composted.
    • The U.S. is the #1 trash-producing country in the world at  1,609 pounds per person per year. This means that 5% of the  world's people generate 40% of the world's waste.

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    • glass takes up to 4000 years to decompose in a landfill yet can be recycled indefinitely.
  • Global Warming

    This section contains websites with information about how waste affects global warming

  • Apr 07, 10

    There are simple things you can do in your daily life that can have an immediate effect on your immediate surroundings. Check out this list!

  • Health Issues

    This section contains information on how toxic waste can cause health issues

    • compare incidence of selected diseases reported in hospitalized patients who reside in ZIP codes that are within 15 miles of any of these sites to those of residents of three different control populations
    • Although many factors influence incidence of thyroid and genital diseases, our results are consistent with the hypothesis that exposure to environmental contaminants through residence near polluted sites may be a factor.
    • By 1952,   thousands of tons of toxic chemicals were disposed of in the canal. In 1953, the landfill reached maximum capacity and Hooker constructed   a cement cap and covered the area with dirt.
    • A school was constructed and the remaining land was sold for the construction of homes. This construction breached the cement enclosure   and chemical waste was released into the soil and groundwater. From the late 1950s to the 1970s, residents complained of odors, basement   seepages, and unknown substances surfacing in their yards. Inexplicable health problems were also noted by residents.

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    • Toxic waste is also known as hazardous waste.
    • hazardous waste is defined as a waste that has properties that could potentially be dangerous to people or the environment. There are a vast number of hazardous wastes and they can take many forms including solids, gases, sludges or liquids. Hazardous wastes can be anything from improperly discarded cleaning fluid or insecticide to industrial or manufacturing wastes. When improperly disposed of, these wastes cause a myriad of health risks.

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font-size: 10px;">Associated Press</div><br/></div> <br/><br style="clear: both;"><br/>&lt;!--dd class="story-pic-bigger">&lt;a href="" rel="lightbox[group]" title="Associated Press&lt;br />Oprah Winfrey&#8217;s battle with thyroid disease has been well publicized.">Click to view a larger picture&lt;/a>&lt;/dd--><br/><br/><br/></dt><h1>The ups and downs of thyroid disease</h1><br/><br/><br/><div class="byline">By Jessica Yadegaran</div> <div class="attributionline">McCLATCHY NEWSPAPERS</div><br/><div class="dateline-comments"><br/>Updated: January 26, 2010, 6:57 am / <span id="dateline-comment-count"><a rel="nofollow" href="#comment">1 comment </a></span><br>Published: January 26, 2010, 12:30 am</div><br/><br/>&lt;!--Updated: 01/26/10 6:57 AM --><br/>&lt;!--startclickprintexclude--><br/><br/>&lt;!-- Start /PubSys/Story/MediaBox/MediaBox.comp --><br/><div class="mediabox"><br/><br/><br/> &lt;!-- begin story-tools --><br/><br/> <div class="story-tools"><br/> <h4><br/> Story tools:<br/> </h4><br/> <br/> <ul id="toolbox"><br/> <li id="tool-increasetype"><img style="padding-right: 8px;" src=""><a rel="nofollow" style="color: rgb(255, 102, 0);" href="#">Larger</a></li><br/> <li id="tool-decreasetype"><img style="padding-right: 8px;" src=""><a rel="nofollow" style="color: rgb(255, 102, 0);" href="#">Smaller</a></li><br/> <li id="tool-sav"><img style="padding-right: 8px;" src=""><a rel="nofollow" style="color: rgb(255, 102, 0);" href="#">Save</a></li><br/><br/> <li id="tool-pri"><img style="padding-right: 8px;" src=""><a rel="nofollow" style="color: rgb(255, 102, 0);" href="/cgi-bin/print_this.cgi" target="_blank">Print</a></li><br/> <li id="tool-ema"><img style="padding-right: 8px;" src=""><a rel="nofollow" style="color: rgb(255, 102, 0);" href=";headline=The%20ups%20and%20downs%20of%20thyroid%20disease&amp;storyId=935450" target="_blank">Email</a></li><br/><br/> <li><img style="padding-right: 8px;" src=""><a rel="nofollow" style="color: rgb(255, 102, 0);" href="">Get Alerts</a></li><br/> <li><img style="padding-right: 8px;" src=""><a rel="nofollow" style="color: rgb(255, 102, 0);" href="">Newsletters</a> <span style="font-size: 10px; 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<br/> addthis_logo = '';<br/> addthis_brand = 'Buffalo News';<br/> addthis_options = 'myweb, favorites, google, fark, delicious, digg, myspace, facebook, live, reddit, slashdot, newsvine, technorati, more';<br/> &lt;/script><br/><br/> <br/> <a rel="nofollow" href=""><img style="padding-top: 6px;" height="16" src="" border="0" alt=""></a><br/> &lt;script type="text/javascript" src="">&lt;/script><br/> &lt;!-- ADDTHIS BUTTON END --><br/><br/> </div><br/> &lt;!-- end share buttons --><br/><br/><br/></div><br/><br/><br/>&lt;!-- End /PubSys/Story/MediaBox/MediaBox.comp --><br/><br/>&lt;!--endclickprintexclude--><br/><br/><p><br/>&lt;!--<br/>WALNUT CREEK, Calif.--><br/><br/>WALNUT CREEK, Calif. — Danielle Gayden of Oakland, Calif., had to stick her face in front of a fan for almost an hour to cool down. Second to her intolerance for heat was the anxiety, which caused her heart to beat 200 times a minute and sent her to the emergency room a dozen times in six months. </p><p>But Gayden, then 28 and newly married, had nothing to feel anxious about. Still, doctors prescribed anxiety medication for what she described as an overwhelming sense of terror. Had they noted her family history of thyroid disease, the ER staffers may have called an endocrinologist to check Gayden’s TSH, or thyroid stimulating hormone, to see if it was too high. </p><p>The thyroid gland, located in the neck just below the larynx, is the body’s metabolism m</p></div></div>
    • The thyroid gland, located in the neck just below the larynx, is the body’s metabolism master.

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    • About 5 percent of the U.S. population has hypothyroidism.
  • Apr 07, 10

    Incidence of Endocrine disease among residents of New York areas are a concern

  • Local Issues in Western New York

    This section contains information about local garbage dumps, the Love Canal, and the Manhattan Project

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