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Mycal Alo's List: BillboardsAndYouTube

    • The new rule could also impact the popularity arch. When a song or other media goes viral and becomes ubiquitous throughout culture, it tends to create a tiring factor or a backlash that is measured in strength many times by how quickly the media went viral, how widespread it is, and the polarizing nature of the content. This could result in songs becoming extremely popular for very short periods, but then being almost completely forgotten as consumers move on to the next viral craze.
      • Because the song was reached at a high amount of views and is repeated as that many times it can eventually end up being that a song may not even stand in the same high position because of how quick the next viral video is put up.

    • Pietroluongo also explained how Billboard actually tracks YouTube clicks. Plays from videos that are uploaded by the artists and record companies are counted, but Pietroluongo says there's more to it:


      [2:19] "It's measuring user-generated videos that incorporate the actual recording. It's not people singing their own versions of songs – that's not going to count. But if someone has a clip that uses the official song, all of those plays roll into one and contribute to our various charts."

      • Versions of this song will not be counted towards the original artist. This is a pro for the artist who originally recorded the song as well as a benefit for the person covering the song. Artist - you will still receive credit and recognition for the plays. Cover artist - will be recognized more for the world and possibly be picked up by a label.

    • “The music business today — much to its credit — has started to learn that there are lots of different ways a song can be a hit, and lots of different ways that the business can benefit from it being a hit.”
      • with different ways that music can be accessed this will allow a less popular song become more popular. This will also help the artist become more recognized as well as possible features in films. This is also helpful for a label in building revenue for their company.

    • YouTube has taken on an essential role in propelling songs to the cultural forefront, often long before they are picked up by radio programmers.
      • Artists no longer have to rely on purchased sales from a record store to determine their standings for their single.

    • "The very definition of what it means to have a hit is ever-changing these days,”
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