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    • Hello Ileane and thanks for taking the time to comment :)


      The truth is: My application to advertising networks has been denied on more than one occasion when I first started blogging and was trying to attract advertisers to my blog. Their reason for the denial was that I did not yet have enough traffic on my site and I should re-apply in a couple of months when traffic improved. Back then, the only way they could see my traffic stats was through alexa since that was the only tracking site with available information since my blog was new. They did not state a specific requirement for traffic though. The whole idea is that they want quality websites with lots of traffic. That’s what their advertisers are paying them for, so they tend to deny low traffic sites. Unfortunately, some of them really do use this information for accepting publishers.


      As for reviews: These have no relationship with traffic ranking. I could get 100 reviews and my traffic is still poor. So using reviews would not be a valid way to grade a site’s traffic because the review has nothing to do with traffic. Its just supporting information for sites in the alexa database.


      Hope these effectively answer your questions

    • I would love to hear about one specific example of someone being turned down by an advertiser because of their Alexa rank. I keep hearing about how the advertisers use Alexa but the question is how EXACTLY do they use it. If anyone has the answer to that please let me know. I’ve been asking about this for almost a year. Also, I want to know if Alexa reviews improve your ranking. No one can answer that question (so far) either. I think it’s absolutely outrageous that they are allowed to rank blogs based on who has their toolbar installed. If Google did that people would outraged.


      Either way you are doing a great job with this blog and I wouldn’t worry or let your clients worry too much about Alexa rank.
        Ileane @ Ms. Ileane Speaks´s last blog ..SEO Site Tools Finds Google Page Rank My ComLuv Profile



        • Hey John, thanks for telling me what Quantcast is. I started seeing in with the SEO Site Tools extension that I'm using for Chrome but I was too lazy to investigate. I'm a big GA fan and I guess most WordPress users are. I also use it on Blogger. I never hear good things about Alexa stats, so I avoid looking at them for my blog, but with the SEO Site Tools, I always view Google PR, Alexa, Quantcast and others for any site I visit.

          Thanks again!
        • Ileane you are welcome :) GA is great especially for a free tool.

          Alexa works fine, and it is what advertisers use to prove a sites stats, it is not perfect but gets MUCH better once you break 100,000 rank
        • John, I forgot to mention the thing about advertisers. I don't have many ads, so I don't have personal experience, but I never hear of anyone being turned down by an advertiser because of their Alexa rank. Do you know anyone? Also do the advertisers also determine how much they are going to pay based on Alexa? I just keep hearing that Advertiser use it, but I never hear any specifics. And the Alexa reviews is something else that seems vague. Do the reviews improve your ranking or not? No one ever seems to know for sure??
        • I don't anything about the reviews, never cared to learn since every site I have ever seen on Alexa has no rating lol

          As far as advertisers using Alexa, they def do. That is one of the things they look at and if you go buy ads anywhere Alexa is a factor.

          Alexa isn't perfect, but it's the same system we all use so it is not perfect for everyone so we are on a level field. If it didn't work for me, but worked for you, then I wouldn't put much weight on Alexa, but since it works the same for us all, then it is something you should look into. Also nice to see your rank drop and know your work is paying off :)

          When people tell you they are in the top 20% websites on the net, they get their stats from Alexa.


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