Thought this might be an interesting piece for the group to contemplate...
"Phishing, Trojans, Spyware, Trolls, and Flame Wars—oh my! If the idea of these threats lurking around online makes you nervous, then you can now be at ease. Our Internet Safety course will provide you with the strategies, skills, and mindset needed to protect yourself, your computer, and your privacy when you connect to the Internet.
"Some of you are still probably not sure about the difference between what constitutes a copyright infringement and fair use. Well the post I have for you today might help illuminate the key differences between the two concepts.
This post is based on a two days work reading a wide variety of resources pertaining to copyright and fair use. Please check the references below to learn more about my sources."
A great way to add high-quality images to a class webpage, blog, or project for free (and not violate copyright protection).
Great list of resources for teacher productivity & efficiency with tech tools (from NYSCATE 2013 conference)
Free downloadable books - useable on an IWB for displaying and annotating text for the class
Great page of links & resources devoted to Brooklyn, NY. Page created & curated by a former Brooklyn librarian.
Good site with explanations of online scams, ways to prevent & avoid spyware & malware, proper browsing techniques for students & parents.
Good website to familiarize yourself (students, teachers, parents) with best practices of safe internet usage.
CIPA/COPPA compliance. This is to ensure student safety as well as monitor and filter their online behavior. As Web 2.0 becomes more popular and educational technology online sites replace desktop software, this has become more of an issue. A lot of subscription-based or ed tech sites require a student email address to create an account which can become a BIG issue when dealing with CIPA compliance, because a majority of students to not have a school email account. Here are 20 Web 2.0 sites that do not require a student email address to create an account. This list is in alphabetical order.
Very humorous examples of real world misuse of quotation marks. Great conversation starters for a grammar/punctuation lesson
Thousands of videos pulled from sites such as YouTube. YouTube videos will play through this site even if is blocked (in most cases).
This Google Site has been set up by Dr. Helen Barrett to focus on the use of Google Apps to create ePortfolios. On this site, there are instructions on how to use the different elements of Google Apps to maintain e-portfolios.
If you're looking for a kid-friendly website to direct your students to during centers, tech tools to assign to your students who need extra help (or want extra work), or new tools to engage your students in learning, this website is for you!
This website features a collection of free, kid-safe, online resources categorized by subject, grade level, and standard
(adapted from DC Public Schools Learning Standards).
Lots of Free Graphic Organizers for Primary Teachers. These Graphic Organizers are great for teaching free lessons to elementary children