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Molly Mutschler's List: School, Drugs, and Sex in Adolescence

  • Jul 30, 13

    A document from Erika's Lighthouse that relates to the video available on their website.  This document includes "A Primer on Depression" for teachers and discussion prompts for students.  

      • Teachers can record behaviors that they notice and talk to school counselors or the school nurse about what they see. 

  • Jul 30, 13

    Erika's Lighthouse is a teacher training organization focused on adolescent depression and suicide prevention.  They have many free tools, and will speak at schools for no cost.  

    • school factors, including inequitable scheduling, grading, and discipline policies, may also contribute to a student's feeling of disconnection.
    • In its extreme, feeling alienated from the school environment can contribute to violence and suicidal ideation

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  • Jul 29, 13

    This medical site describes the problem of young men without healthcare, why they need it, and how to get it to them

    • We have an adolescent suicide problem, and it’s pronounced with adolescent males, who complete suicide at four times the rate of adolescent females
    • the incidence rates of syphilis among males age 15-24 is from twice to five times that of females

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      • The impact of alcohol consumption upon risky sexual
        behavior was found to operate through a “continuum of influence.” The 5 effects or explanations
        within this continuum, possibly determined through the level of inebriation, are summarized as
        follows: (1) alcohol affecting young people’s assessment of a person’s sexual attractiveness; (2)
        alcohol used as an “excuse” for socially unacceptable behavior; (3) increased confidence and lowering
        of inhibitions; (4) impaired judgment in accurately recognizing and controlling a potentially risky
        situation; and (5) complete loss of control, memory loss, and “black-out.”

      • p 649

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  • Jul 29, 13

    Lists drug rehab and treatment facilities in Illinois.  Offers statistics about drug usage.  

    • 36% of 12th graders reporting lifetime marijuana use
    • children in middle school are reporting increasingly high usage of marijuana, with 14.5% of 8th graders reporting lifetime use in 2006.
  • Jul 29, 13

    This online form allows teachers, staff, or parents to report drug use or gang activity to the police.  The information may be reported anonymously or with a name attached.  

    • There is a clear correlation between drug use and declining academic performance.


    • America represents four percent of the worlds population, yet it consumes two-thirds of the world's illegal drugs.

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  • Jul 29, 13

    This page contains questions and answers assembled here for National Drug Facts week.  The goal is to dispel some of the myths that young people have about drug use.  

    • What are your thoughts on the rap industry's references to drug use, specifically snoop dogg's lyrics "hey hey hey. Smoke weed every day."
    • Some people argue that songs and other forms of entertainment only reflect behaviors that are already present in society, while others suggest that the media can influence how people think and behave.

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    • About 17 percent of American high school students are drinking, smoking or using drugs during the school day
    • 44 percent of students told survey-takers they know a classmate who sells drugs

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  • Jul 29, 13

    This health-based article covers middle school aged children and describes their first encounters with drugs and alcohol.  The audience of this article is the parents.  

    • It may surprise some parents to learn that the first time most children encounter drugs is when they make the transition from elementary to middle school. 
    • 40 percent of 8th graders have tried alcohol and 20 percent report using an illegal drug

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    • It used to be that kids understood that doing drugs would jeopardize their future, but that's no longer the case.
    • "More teens don't feel any fear about trying drugs,''

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    • 62 percent of high school students and 28 percent of middle school students attend drug infected schools
    • 10.6 million high schoolers and 2.4 million middle schoolers are likely returning to schools where they will find drugs are used, kept and sold

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