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Matthew Daniel's List: Science magazine special issue

  • Apr 11, 09

    Increase of technology and visual media in society (i.e. tv and videogames) has had both significant benefits and costs. Increases in visual-spatial intelligence, but negative effects on abstract vocab, mindfulness, relfection, inductive problem solving, critical thinking and imagination.

    • Rising IQ performance is attributable to multiple factors: increased levels of formal education, urbanization, societal complexity, improved nutrition, smaller family size, and technological development
    • The changing balance of media technologies has led to losses as well as gains. For example, as verbal IQ has risen, verbal SATs have fallen. Paradoxically, omnipresent television may be responsible for the spread of the basic vocabulary (11) that drives verbal IQ scores, while simultaneously the decline in recreational reading may have led to the loss of the more abstract vocabulary driving verbal SAT scores

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  • Apr 11, 09

    Author argues and provides evidence that immersion through digit environments enhances education in three ways: allowing multiple perspectives, situated learning, and transfer.

    • A major advantage of egocentric perspectives is that they enable participants' actional immersion and motivation through embodied, concrete learning, whereas exocentric perspectives foster more abstract, symbolic insights gained from distancing oneself from the context (seeing the forest rather than the trees). Bicentric experiences that alternate these views combine these strengths.
    • mmersive interfaces can foster educational experiences that draw on a powerful pedagogy: situated learning. Situated learning requires authentic contexts, activities, and assessment coupled with guidance from expert modeling, mentoring, and "legitimate peripheral participation"

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  • Apr 11, 09

    Program guides students through algebra problems, success key is that is notices and corrects problems through the students work progress through each problem. Makes a lot a sense for a sequential skill and exercise like this.

  • Apr 11, 09

    Rising cost and popularity of extra-curricular tutoring and education has led to a national online tutor service that's free for students. They can access extra information, videos and multimedia, testing and recorded lectures. Allows for strong and struggling students alike to work at their own pace.

  • Apr 11, 09

    Scottish Intranet gov't system that connects all teachers, students, and parents. Provides a one-stop-shop for all in the district, teachers collaborate, post material, videos, articles, pics, etc. which the students can then browse through instead of blindly searching the web.

      • Emerging writing programs provide formative assessment for students to improve writing and provide more time for teacher. Tested an app and it provides very generic feedback, still needs teacher oral and written assessment.

      • dope!!!

      • does it makes sense to test with such multimedia since this will likely be the media student will have to communicate with in the real world?

    • Innovative applications of technology also provide rich, authentic tasks that challenge the sorts of integrated knowledge, critical thinking, and problem solving seldom well addressed in paper-based tests

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  • Apr 12, 09

    Author gives evidence that 1:1 programs show an increase in participation, engagement, better behavior and interest and a weak correlation to writing and mathematics. However, it is noted that more is needed than issuing laptops, as test scores, critical thinking and understanding are not in direct correlation. Instructional methods needs to be improved and accurately designed for the use of technology: Research in many nations suggests that laptop programs will be most successful as part of balanced, comprehensive initiatives that address changes in education goals, curricula, teacher training, and assessment.

    • Research in many nations suggests that laptop programs will be most successful as part of balanced, comprehensive initiatives that address changes in education goals, curricula, teacher training, and assessment.
    • The reasons given by policy-makers for investing in these programs vary. There are economic arguments, based on improving students' technology skills, creating a better educated work force, and attracting new jobs; equity concerns, to support students from low-income families whose access to technology and information is otherwise restricted; and education reform issues, as policy-makers try to make schools more effective and provide students an education that prepares them for life in the 21st century.

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  • OER 4

    Apr 12, 09

    Open Educational Resources is a movement expanding the available information and resources for students and teachers alike. Having a commonwealth of knowledge has it's obvious benefits but what about intellectual property and the problems with economics and maintaining an infrastructure?

    • Students everywhere, enrolled or not, have free access to content and interactive instruction, as well as to networks of people with similar interests, enabling them to collaborate in the construction of knowledge and to learn at their own pace.
    • Open high-quality content and instruction can set standards of practice and, because of their quality, transparency, and availability, help improve the practice of teaching and learning throughout the world.

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