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  • Jul 28, 12

    Der Westen ist nicht gerade daran interessiert, einen arabischen Frühling entlang der Seidenstraße zu fördern. Vielmehr ist ihm am Aufbau dauerhafter Militärbasen-Allianzen gelegen. Die zwei großen Gegenspieler der USA/NATO, Russland und China, bauen indes an nachhaltigen wirtschaftlichen Partnerschaften, die noch zu großen Bündnissen werden können.

    • Zentralasien ist von entscheidender Bedeutung, weil es im Herzen Eurasiens liegt – und damit im Herzen des neuen Great Game, das im Wesentlichen die USA gegen Russland und China ausspielt, mit verschiedenen kleineren Akteuren wie Iran, Türkei und Pakistan.


      Wenn es um Hardcore New Great Game-Machtspiele geht, ist Demokratie nicht einmal ein nachträglicher Einfall. Washington scheint den Eindruck zu machen, dass Zentralasien eine russische – und auch chinesische – Einflusszone ist. Nicht wirklich. Nur wenige Aussichten sind verlockender für das US-Geheimdienste-Establishment als US-Militärbasen in ganz Zentralasien.


      Beamte in Usbekistans Hauptstadt verließen die Collective Security Treaty Organisation (CSTO) Ende Juni. Die CSTO ist ein zehn Jahre altes politisch-militärisches Forum von Russland, Weißrussland, Armenien, und bis zu diesem Abfall von den fünf zentralasiatischen “Stans”.


      Taschkent sagte, es sei so wegen “Differenzen” über Afghanistan. Der wahre Grund, laut Zentralasien-Experte Wadim Kozioulin: komplexe Verhandlungen mit Washington, um eventuell die USA wieder auf der Militärbasis Khanabad aufzunehmen, die von Russland genutzt wird, seitdem die USA von Karimow 2005 hinausgeworfen wurden.

    • Die Usbeken würden eine Menge Annehmlichkeiten bekommen, wenn der Deal durchgeht: Waffen, Tonnen an nicht-militärischer Ausrüstung, die ansonsten in Afghanistan verrotten würde, und vor allem den Status des “strategischen Verbündeten” der USA.


      Washingtons wichtigstes Ziel bei alledem ist – was sonst? – die fortschreitende militärische Einkreisung des Iran. Und dann gibt es Taschkents eigenes Ziel: das Lieblingsprojekt von Russlands Präsident Wladimir Putin einer Eurasischen Union zu torpedieren.

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  • Jun 15, 12

    Keynote Speech by Vice Foreign Minister Cheng Guoping at the Lanting Forum

    • Second, the SCO has stayed committed to the security concept that all countries are interconnected in times of both peace and danger. In the past 11 years since the inception of the SCO, the world political and economic landscape has gone through profound and complex changes. There have been continued turmoils in some regions. Hotspot issues have kept flaring up. Destabilizing factors and uncertainties in regional situation have notably increased. Against this background, the member states have embraced the new security concept featuring mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality and coordination. By establishing an inclusive and indivisible security space, the SCO has enhanced its operation and emergency response capabilities, properly tackled all kinds of traditional and non-traditional security threats and effectively cracked down on the "three forces", drug trafficking and transnational organized crimes, making itself a pillar for regional peace and stability.
    • Fifth, the SCO has stayed committed to an open and inclusive spirit. Cooperation within the SCO framework is neither targeted at nor excluding any other countries and organizations. Instead, the SCO seeks sound interaction and common progress with them. The SCO has established extensive links with countries and international organizations that endorse its purposes and principles, and worked with them to advance the noble cause of world peace and development. In the process, its international influence has continued to rise.

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  • Jun 15, 12

    "Stratfor Chief Geopolitical Analyst Robert D. Kaplan looks at the significance of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, which is seeking to spread its influence as far as Turkey."

  • Jun 15, 12

    In Beijing, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, issued a declaration opposing military intervention, forced regime change and unilateral sanctions against the Middle East.

    The SCO is a regional security club led by Russia and China, with four former Soviet Central Asian states as its other members. The statement, issued at the end of its 2012 summit, called for a peaceful settlement in Syria through political dialogue and said that the use of force against Iran was unacceptable.

    • The SCO is a regional security club led by Russia and China, with four former Soviet Central Asian states as its other members. The statement, issued at the end of its 2012 summit, called for a peaceful settlement in Syria through political dialogue and said that the use of force against Iran was unacceptable.

      Iran and Syria belong to a small number of Middle Eastern countries seen as independent of Western influence. Over the past year the West, led by America, has been ramping up pressure to try and end this state of affairs.

      Yet China and Russia have resisted the push. Both countries have vetoed UN resolutions calling for an end to the rule of president Bashar al-Assad, and opposed moves toward intervening militarily in his country's unrest.

      For Iran, they have opposed threats of military attack to end Iran's nuclear program, and resisted attempts to almost totally isolate the country economically through a trade embargo.

      The US and its allies have accused Iran of secretly developing nuclear weapons. The Islamic Republic has rejected the accusation, saying its nuclear program is for civilian purposes only.

      As a signatory of the Non Proliferation Treaty, Iran maintains that is has the right to enrich uranium for fuel to power its reactors; a position supported by China.

      At a press conference on the sidelines of the SCO summit, Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Cheng Guoping repeated his country's position: no military force, and no unilateral sanctions on Iran.

      Iran has observer status in the SCO. President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad represented the Islamic Republic at the summit this year, and earlier in the day he met with State Councillor Dai Bingguo.
  • Jun 15, 12

    As the leaders of two of the world's biggest and fastest-growing emerging economies meet in Moscow, political analysts predict the strategic co-operation between the two nations could shift the balance of power in the world.

    • "I believe the world is now at a historic crossroads," Dr Kiyul Chung told RT. "Or some may say the world is at the brink of either being subdued or overcoming the US/NATO military intervention in Libya, [which is] now moving possibly to Syria or even to Iran, if Russia and China, or [the] Shanghai Co-operation Organization are [too] weak to stop US-led NATO military aggression in [the] North African region So I hope Russia and China [can] lead this new global movement to balance the power in the world, so they can build new world order where no more unilateral, aggressive or even colonial methodology [is] being put into a sovereign nation such as Libya."

      "China-Russia trade and economic relationship and huge development between the two nations, I believe, is not only impacting the European continent, but also the global scene," added Dr Kiyul Chung. "This economic and trade relationship is not limited only to economy, it is also a strategic relationship. So, it is going to have a huge impact on the world."

      ­US are jealous of Russian-Chinese ties -- political analyst

      Chairman of the Russian-Chinese Centre of Trade and Economic Co-operation Sergey Sanakoev believes that China is one of the places where the real economy of the future lies, and choosing Beijing as Russia's leading trade partner was a wise decision.

      "We think that with this country we have a lot of opportunities. We are going to deal with China," he said.

      He agrees that this growing Russia-China alliance could become a threat to the economic and political interests of the US and its allies.

      "I think that the US and China in the modern world are competitors," he said. "And certainly, [the] US is a little bit jealous when they see how Russia and China co-operate."

      He also believes there is a possibility that US could try to hamper Russian-Chinese relationship at some point.

      "China and US are the biggest economies in the world," he explained. "And may be sometime they will have something like G2."

      As Russia, China and key Central Asian states were meeting once again for what is known as the Shanghai Co-operation Organization, some concerns arose about this group rivaling NATO in the future.

      Sergey Sanakoev believes SCO is already a serious opponent to NATO in the region.

      "[The] Shanghai Organization is already playing big role in the world," he said. "And certainly the leaders of our countries also have intents to be original leaders in this area, and they do their best to show it to the whole world."

      One of the problematic issues for the two countries remains weapon exports. Back in the 1990s, China was the leading buyer of Russian arms. But now Russia fears China is copying its weapons and selling them at lower prices.

      Tags: NWO, new world order, 2011, 2012, china, russia, europe, asia, worldcrisistoday, international, regional, shanghai, organisation, sco, hope, crossroad, war, historic,libya, reliants, usa, north africa, leading, global, balance, colonial
  • Jun 15, 12

    "The Shanghai Cooperation Organization had innocuous beginnings, but with growing economic and military might this alliance is now threatening to become a serious contender for control over one of the most geostrategically important areas of the globe."

  • Jun 15, 12

    When The Shanghai Five held its first presidential summit in China in 1996, this innocuous group hardly registered as a blip on the geopolitical radar. Within just five years, however, the loose-knit cooperative organization of China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia and Tajikistan was already attracting the attention of some of the premier globalist institutions as a potential opponent to Western imperial hegemony.

    • When The Shanghai Five held its first presidential summit in China in 1996, this innocuous group hardly registered as a blip on the geopolitical radar. Within just five years, however, the loose-knit cooperative organization of China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia and Tajikistan was already attracting the attention of some of the premier globalist institutions as a potential opponent to Western imperial hegemony.
    • the five partners will “oppose intervention in other countries’ internal affairs on the pretexts of ‘humanitarianism’ and ‘protecting human rights;’ and support the efforts of one another in safeguarding the five countries’ national independence, sovereignty, territorial integrity, and social stability.”

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  • Jun 15, 12

    Recent foreign policy steps by the United States—such as walking away from the Kyoto Treaty, trashing the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty, toughening its approach to North Korea and China—put a spotlight on efforts by other countries to form their own sets of cooperative multilateral mechanisms which do not include the United States. One of the most interesting, but little known, efforts of this kind in Asia is the "Shanghai Five Process." The Shanghai Five process has quietly, but steadily, built up its economic, military, and diplomatic relations, and seeks to present itself as more viable counterweight to U.S. influence in Central Asia.

    • The Shanghai Five consists of China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia and Tajikistan, and emerged from a series of border demarcation and demilitarization talks which the four former Soviet republics held with China. Since 1996, when the group held its first presidential summit meeting in Shanghai, the five-country group has held annual summits eversince. With each passing year, the joint statements to emerge from the summits have signaled greater and greater cooperative efforts in trade, culture, military and security affairs. For example, the statement from the July 2000 Dushanbe summit notes the establishment of a "Council of National Coordinators" which will further foster regularized cooperation amongst the five.
    • In addition, the joint statements are devoting more space to the group's view of the international security situation both within and beyond their borders. The Dushanbe statement, for example, pledges the five countries to jointly crack down on liberation movements, terrorism, and religious extremism in their borders and, in an interesting quote, to "oppose intervention in other countries' internal affairs on the pretexts of 'humanitarianism' and 'protecting human rights;' and support the efforts of one another in safeguarding the five countries' national independence, sovereignty, territorial integrity, and social stability." Chinese President Jiang Zemin, in his speech before the group last year, appeared to go a little farther when he said, " We should strengthen mutual support in safeguarding the national unity and sovereignty of our nations and resist all kinds of threat to the security of the region."

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  • Jun 15, 12

    Das zehnte Gipfeltreffen der Schanghaier Organisation für Zusammenarbeit (SCO) in der kasachischen Hauptstadt Astana in der vergangenen Woche erlaubt einen Einblick, wie die größeren und einflussreicheren Kontrahenten des Imperiums unter der Führung Russlands und Chinas, die selbst wiederum Rivalen sind, versuchen, eine Alternative zur amerikanischen Vorherrschaft aufzubauen.

    • Die SCO ist die einzige größere internationale Organisation, der weder die USA selbst, noch ein enger Verbündeter der Vereinigten Staaten als Mitglied angehören, und deren Einfluss in ganz Eurasien wächst. Zu führenden Politikern der Mitgliedsstaaten Russland, China, Kasachstan, Kirgisistan, Tadschikistan und Usbekistan gesellten sich Führungsvertreter von Ländern mit Beobachterstatus wie dem Iran, Pakistan, Indien, Afghanistan und der Mongolei hinzu. Weißrussland und Sri Lanka wurden als Dialogpartner zugelassen, und kurz vor seiner Ankunft und anschließender Teilnahme am Gipfel in Astana besuchte der chinesische Staatspräsident Hu Jintao die Ukraine.
    • Mit einem Schuss chinesischer Rhetorik hob die Erklärung von Astana das Ziel hervor, die »drei Kräfte« des »Terrorismus, Extremismus und Separatismus« zu bekämpfen. Der Gipfel forderte ein »neutrales« Afghanistan (das heißt: ohne ständige amerikanische Stützpunkte). Dies wird auch von afghanischen Präsidenten Hamid Karzai unterstützt, auch wenn die USA ihn derzeit zu einer Vereinbarung über eine strategische Partnerschafts für die Zeit nach 2014 drängen. Die Aussicht ständiger amerikanischer Militärbasen in Afghanistan steht im Zentrum der derzeitigen Spannungen zwischen den USA und Pakistan. Und Indien machte deutlich, dass es keine Spannungen ähnlich derer während des Kalten Krieges in der Region will.

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  • Jun 15, 12

    Die Shanghaier Organisation für Zusammenarbeit (SOZ) muss sich wegen des Abzuges der ISAF-Truppen aus Afghanistan verändern, ob das die Mitgliedsstaaten wollen oder nicht. Neue Länder müssen aufgenommen und neue Programme ausgearbeitet werden.

    • Die Shanghaier Organisation für Zusammenarbeit (SOZ) muss sich wegen des Abzuges der ISAF-Truppen aus Afghanistan verändern, ob das die Mitgliedsstaaten wollen oder nicht. Neue Länder müssen aufgenommen und neue Programme ausgearbeitet werden.

      Die SOZ wird sich langsam wandeln, vor allem in den kommenden sechs bis zwölf Monaten . Das ist das Fazit zum in Peking zu Ende gegangenen SOZ-Gipfel.
    • Die Anwesenheit des iranischen Präsidenten Mahmud Ahmadinedschad bei dem Gipfeltreffen ist nichts außergewöhnliches. Der Iran ist der natürliche Partner der zentralasiatischen Länder, die zur SOZ gehören. Falls man Zentralasien im erweiterten Sinne betrachtet und nicht wie die ehemalige Sowjetunion, gehört der Iran nicht nur geografisch, sondern auch wirtschaftlich zu Zentralasien. Z

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  • Jun 15, 12

    Die Shanghaier Organisation für Zusammenarbeit (SOZ) ist gegen eine militärische Intervention in Syrien und gegen eine erzwungene Machtübergabe in diesem arabischen Land aufgetreten.

    • „Die SOZ-Mitgliedsländer sind gegen eine militärische Einmischung in die Angelegenheiten dieser Region, gegen eine zwangsläufige Forcierung der Machtübergabe und einseitige Sanktionen“, hieß es in der Erklärung, die die Organisationsmitglieder am Donnerstag in Peking angenommen haben.

      Es sei notwendig, alle Gewalt in Syrien zu stoppen. Die SOZ akzeptiere einen breiten internationalen Dialog, der auf der Unabhängigkeit und Souveränität Syriens basiere. Die Organisation befürworte außerdem die vom UN-Sicherheitsrat erarbeiteten Maßnahmen zur politischen Lösung der Krise.

      „Eine friedliche Lösung des syrischen Problems durch einen Dialog entspricht den gemeinsamen Interessen des syrischen Volkes und der internationalen Gemeinschaft“, hieß es.
    • The following question must addressed: Can a coherent military alliance directed against Global NATO be built with the participation of Turkey, a NATO heavywight and Afghanstan, a proxy US-NATO state. 
    • By granting observer status to Afghanistan, the SCO, which groups China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, consolidated ties with the war-torn country ahead of the pullout of most foreign troops by the end of 2014.

      The organization also announced that Turkey, a NATO member, will join Sri Lanka and Belarus as a dialogue partner.

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    • A consolidated SCO position on anti-ballistic missile systems has the potential to become a significant counterweight to NATO’s plans in this area.
    • The organization held reasonable, well-balanced positions on international issues and pursued a very cautious policy, never giving analysts reasons to treat it as a serious political, let alone military alliance

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  • Jun 16, 12

    "Die Bildung einer Eurasischen Union ist das wichtigste Ziel des außenpolitischen Kurses von Moskau. Sie soll als Gegengewicht für die Shanghaier Organisation für Zusammenarbeit (SOZ) aufgebaut werden. Das darf man wohl aus der jüngsten Reise des russischen Präsidenten Wladimir Putin nach Usbekistan, China und Kasachstan schließen."

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