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Mary Bernklau's List: Geo-technology (Geo-data)

    • geotechnology    Application of the methods of engineering and science to exploitation of natural resources.
    • Geo data is a broad term that is used to describe sets of information that are used to define a geographic location on the surface of the earth. Several different types of data are available. Each set is normally designed for certain geographical information systems (GIS). The data could be very specific or it could be very vague depending on the purpose of the information. The most accurate information is gathered by professionals with surveying equipment and the assistance of satellites. Less specific information is still useful in systems that are more general or less scientific.
    • There are several different ways that geo data can be defined. A very common dataset will include the latitude and longitude of a single specific location. This is often accompanied by an elevation in relation to sea level. Another way to define this type of data is geometrically. A vector that defines a location and direction is often used to describe a street. A dataset could also be collected that is relative to a defined space instead of being globally positioned with absolute coordinates. The dataset might use polygons to specific a location. This is done because many objects or structures on the earth occupy more than a single dot. A polygon could be used to describe the boundaries of a park, city block or country. There are currently several different standards for the data although there is no single worldwide format.

        What is Geotechnology and how does it work?

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         Geotechnology allows you to determine the physical location of your device. You can see the location on an internet map within your Customer Center account. It's a great way to determine if your device is mislaid, lost, or on the move without your permission. 
    • Geodata is information about geographic locations that is stored in a format that can be used with a geographic information system (GIS).
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