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Mary Bernklau's List: Digital Law

    • Digital law is identified as the responsibility of being safe online and following online rules. It is basically know as the law of internet. Being able to follow the rules while using the internet. Abusing laws of the Internet can cause serious consequences. Examples of misusage are like Hacking into people’s computers, pirating software, downloading illegal music and creating viruses. Globally People consider it as " Digital Law: electronic responsibility for actions and deeds which is either ethical or unethical. Digital responsibility deals with the ethics of technology. Unethical use manifests itself in form of theft and/or crime. Ethical use manifests itself in the form of abiding by the laws of society. Students should not be able to steal or cause damage to other people’s work, identity, or property. There are certain rules of society that fall under illegal acts. These laws apply to students as well. "
    • Digital Law - The legal rights and restrictions governing technology use
    • Digital law: This is the electronic responsibility for actions which says if something is ethical or unethical. The responsibility of the digital law deals with the ethics of technology as a whole. Digital Law deals with four main topics: copyright, privacy, ethical issues, and piracy. Unethical use of computers can form into theft or crime like piracy. People that are ethical in the use of their computers may actually be the ones being hurt by those who are not following these protective laws. A student should not be allowed to mess with other peoples work or identity with rules being applied. We have the digital Law to basically protect us; since most people don't follow it, the internet is becoming a very dangerous place.
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