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Mary Bernklau's List: Academic Integrity

  • Sep 08, 13

    "igher education and society benefit when colleges and
    universities have standards of integrity that provide the
    foundation for a vibrant academic life, promote scientific
    progress, and prepare students for responsible citizen-
    ship. Many institutions, however, have neither
    defined academic integrity nor expressly com-
    mitted to it. Others explain academic integrity
    merely by listing behaviors that are prohibited
    rather than by identifying values and
    behaviors to be promoted.
    The Center for Academic Integrity (CAI)
    defines academic integrity as a commit-
    ment, even in the face of adversity, to five
    fundamental values: honesty, trust, fair
    respect, and responsibility. From these
    values flow principles of behavior that
    enable academic communities to translate
    ideals into action.
    An academic community flourishes when its
    members are committed to the five fundamental
    values. Integrity is built upon continuous conversa-
    tions about how these values are, or are not, embodied in
    institutional life. As these conversations connect with
    institutional mission statements and everyday policies and
    practices, a climate of integrity is sustained and nurtured.
    Vigorous academic integrity policies and procedures, with
    faculty and student support, promote the learning process
    and the pursuit of truth. This also helps create a stronger
    civic culture for society as a whole.
    Research by CAI members and many others shows that
    student cheating is on the rise and that the pressures and
    opportunities for dishonest behavior are increasing in
    many academic and professional contexts. Thoughtful,
    wide-ranging, and effective action is required to reverse
    these trends. The CAI invites educators, students, and
    citizens to contribute to this effort."

    • Academic Integrity can be defined by honest academic work where (1) the ideas and the writing of others are properly cited; (2) students submit their own work for tests and assignments without unauthorized assistance; (3) students do not provide unauthorized assistance to others; and (4) students report their research or accomplishments accurately.
    • Definition of academic integrity


      Academic integrity means honesty and responsibility in scholarship. Students and faculty alike must obey rules of honest scholarship, which means that all academic work should result from an individual's own efforts. Intellectual contributions from others must be consistently and responsibly acknowledged. Academic work completed in any other way is fraudulent.  

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