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manu dea's List: Creatività e Ambienti personali di apprendimento

  • Apr 18, 09

    The paper will attempt to blend the educational or learning issues and the more technical issues. Educational technology should be shaped by the users, rather than shape or inhibit learning. Yet even this raises issues. Is the PLE just what it says? A personal learning environment belonging solely to the learner, or should the education system and educational institutions also have a say in the shaping of these tools?

    • Lifelong learning is hardly a new idea
    • Informal learning is something of a conundrum

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  • Apr 18, 09

    Lifelong learning

    Informal learning
    se l’apprendimento informale è importante ci devono essere degli ambienti in cui l’apprendimento informale si sviluppa.

    Different styles of learning
    Persone diverse apprendono in modo differente e questo deve essere tenuto in considerazione nell’ambiente di apprendimento.

    New approaches to assessment and the recognition of learning
    Certificazioni ed esami non sono sufficienti per attestare il grado di conoscenza, servono nuovi strumenti che tengono traccia di tutto il percorso formativo dello studente e le sue competenze.

    Changing technologies – ubiquitous computing and social software

    Digital literacy
    Nuovi modi in cui i giovani usano la tecnologia per imparare.


    Searching, lurking and the zone of proximal development

    Policy discourse
    • Commodification
    • Privatisation
    • A restricted discourse of lifelong learning

    Learning is messing, is not clean
    Le frecce hanno doppio senso, impariamo tanto quanto interagiamo.

    The PLE is not an application
    Small pieces, loosely connected

  • Apr 18, 09

    Jay Cross sostiene che solo il 10 -15 per cento dell’apprendimento sia formale e che l'85 per cento del nostro apprendimento avviene al di fuori dei canoni formali.

  • Apr 18, 09

    Lately I've been fascinated by the concept of personal learning environments. As an instructional designer and trainer, I've spent a lot of time trying to develop learning experiences for other people.

  • Apr 18, 09

    Elgg empowers individuals, groups and institutions to create their own fully-featured social network.

  • Apr 18, 09

    Informal learning accounts for over 75% of the learning taking place in organizations today.[1] Often, the most valuable learning takes place serendipitously, by random chance. Most companies, however, focus only on formal learning programs, losing valuable opportunities and outcomes. To truly understand the learning in your organization you might want to recognize the informal learning already taking place and put in practices to cultivate and capture more of what people learn. This includes strategies for improving learning opportunities for everyone and tactics for managing and sharing what you know.

    • Informal learning accounts for over 75% of the learning taking place in  organizations today.[1] Often, the most valuable learning takes place  serendipitously, by random chance. Most companies, however, focus only  on formal learning programs, losing valuable opportunities and outcomes.
    • Formal learning includes the hierarchically structured school system

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  • Apr 18, 09

    Elgg is an open source Web application combining elements of weblogging, e-portfolios, and social networking to create what its authors term a "personal learning landscape" (Tosh and Werdmuller 2004b). The application promotes learner-centered expression through "personal web publishing", while facilitating the formation of peer-to-peer (P2P) learning communities in which knowledge sharing, conversation, and reflection can take place.

  • Apr 18, 09

    Tutti noi apprendiamo non solo passando attraverso percorsi formativi appositamente progettati da specialisti. L'apprendimento che sviluppiamo quando siamo alle prese con le attività che hanno luogo nei contesti delle nostra vita quotidiana, in campo lavorativo o nel tempo libero, rimanda ad un ambito di formazione di competenze per certi versi "invisibile" (per citare il bel titolo del convegno AIF 2004) perché non coinvolge gli elementi che tradizionalmente associamo alle attività di apprendimento strutturato (un'aula, materiali e tecnologie didattiche, staff di formatori, docenti, certificazioni etc.).

  • Apr 18, 09

    Personal Learning for Learning Professionals - Using Web 2.0 Tools to Make Reading & Research More Effective : eLearning Technology

  • Apr 18, 09

    During the life of the project a number of people in the wider educational technology community have become engaged in discussing the possibilities of Personal Learning Environments, and have begun developing models.

  • Apr 18, 09

    Portfolios have long been the showcase tools of artists – expressions of competencies and work completed. Eportfolios and webfolios are digital enactments of portfolios.

    • Eportfolios and webfolios are digital   enactments of portfolios.
    • Portfolios   are driven by the intended task: assessment, professional/personal development,   learning portfolio, or group portfolio.
  • Apr 18, 09

    A multimedia presentation by Graham Attwell of Pontydysgu on E-portfolio Development and Implementation. Technical mixing by Einion Dafydd

  • Apr 18, 09

    MOSEP is a European project, funded under the Leonardo da Vinci Programme 2006-2008 (Pilot Projects). The aim of the project is to develop a set of measures for the use of e-portfolios in different contexts in order to strengthen the self-esteem of young learners.

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