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malik hammond's List: DGL Vocabulary

  • Digital Literacy

    Your own ability to locate, use, explain and share technology (no matter what source of technology it might be).

  • Jan 13, 14

    Paul Gilster classifies defines digital literacy as the ability to understand information and to evaluate and integrate information in multiple formats that the computer can deliver. Being able to evaluate and interpret information in multiple formats that the computer , tablet or iphone can deliver. This is the exact way i wish i was able to answer if someone ask's what digital literacy is.

  • Jan 10, 14

    Digital literacy is the ability to find, evaluate, utilize, share, and create content using information technologies and the Internet. As according to a Cornell Information Technologies student; "Digital literacy is an important topic because of the ongoing rapid change in technology". Updates on technology and software have been increasing in many ways; faster than society, if not more. The same advances that enhance leisure and make our work easier.

  • Jan 10, 14

    According to the Department of Education digital literacy means having the knowledge and ability to use a range of technology tools for varied purposes. Purposes that include

  • Digital Citizenship

    The code of conduct and proper etiquette when it comes to the use of digital technolgy.

  • Jan 12, 14

    According to Terry Heick; the professors of have classified digital citizenship as "The quality of habits, actions, and consumption patterns that impact the ecology of digital content and communities."

  • Jan 12, 14

    This dynamic new world requires new
    comprehension and communication skills, as well as new codes of conduct, to ensure that these powerful media and technologies are used responsibly and ethically.

  • Jan 13, 14

    This development guide breaks down a digital citizen in the policy of "The Three E's". Starting with them being "Engaged Thinker"; who thinks critically and uses technology to learn, innovate, discover and communicate via technology.
    Secondly a "Ethical Citizen" who builds relationships based on humility,
    fairness and open-mindedness; who demonstrates respect, empathy and
    compassion not just to entire digital community but to the world.
    Lastly a "Entrepreneurial Spirit" who creates opportunities and achieves goals through hard work, perseverance and discipline; who strives for excellence and earns success explores ideas and challenges no matter the level of adveristy

  • Digital Identity

    A man or woman's digital identity consists of what kind of purpose they serve to the digital world according to talent or ability they have a passion for

  • Jan 13, 14

    Techopedia considers a digital identity to be "An online or networked identity adopted or claimed in cyberspace by an individual, organization or electronic device". This is simply that confidence in knowing of who you are to, and through the universe of technology.

  • Jan 13, 14

    According to HLWIKI "Digital identity might be defined as a social identity that Internet users establish in online communities and social networking websites." Therefore they see an identity of this calibur as one that can only be used, viewed, analyzed, and judged by the the world of social networking .

  • Jan 13, 14

    The education of Academia states "Digital identities are who we say we are, when we are online. They can be a subtype of a public persona, an extension of our 'true selves, or they can be completely fabricated and fantastical, to function as a mask to hide the identity of an Internet user from rest of the world." What stands out to me the most about their definition is that it leaves the digital native with the ability and permission in deciding what their identity can be. Even with this ability such digital natives choose reveal their identity on false facts and or disrespecful and overrated comments.

  • Digital Law

    To my belief and understanding, Digital Law is a responsibility to use and enjoy technology but however you must always with caution. whether your digitally writing or digitally downloading and digitally carrying file, or physically carrying any form of technology device.

  • Jan 13, 14

    Tech ties classify digital law as the legal rights and restrictions governing technology use in each kind of digital activity like file sharing, copyright violation, and even academic.

  • Jan 13, 14

    "Digital Law is defined as the electronic responsibility for actions, deeds which is either ethical or unethical. It deals with the ethics of technology and is concerned with what you are and are not allowed to do while surfing and using the Internet" If you have digital citizens then you will always need digital law's. If you must reveal yourself as an untruthful citizen , you then must abide by the rules. However, like any citizen, when you break the law; then you suffer to the penalties. Unfortunately by the time any "digital police" someone has already been verbally abused and even physically abused. Thats why the law states that it isn't a policy , it is only a responsibility. There isn't one person that has been sent to jail for their own personal flaw in responsibilities unless someone died.

  • Jan 10, 14

    The ability to understand and use technology in multiple formats from a wide range of sources when it is presented via computers, whether it be for work, play, communication or solo purposes

  • Jan 13, 14

    Here's Love Binders definition of digital law. 'Laws and common law of technology use within society." However they also added They even add its relavence. "Part of being a good citizen is obeying the law. So, to be good digital citizens, we must obey the laws about digital technology use. These laws are both stated (law) and informal standards (common law). "

  • Wikis

    a type of website that allows anyone with the ability to access the internet to edit its content and structure.

  • Jan 13, 14

    Tech for teachers defines wikis as "a collaborative website where the users can contribute. If any user who is at this type of site would like to contribute to the page, make corrections, or additions, the "Edit This Page" button will change this page from a static web page to a word processing document. It is just that easy. However, most pages are restricted so that only invited guests can contribute. Most wikis are more open to collaborators but requests to join the wiki are required. "
    I personally love and live for wiki and it has always has always been a successful tool in finding any piece of information. Because of their many editors i feel it isn't appropriate for citing papers and essays especially for school work. This is still a rule of mine even though there's a safeguard for the organizer to have some degree of control over the content thats always being written by todays digital native and digital immagrints.

  • Jan 13, 14

    Tech Terms defines wiki as "A wiki is a Web site that allows users to add and update content on the site using their own Web browser."

  • Jan 13, 14 explains wikis the exact way it should be. "A wiki is a type of collaborative work space, it's a collection of Web pages that encourages users to contribute or modify the content. A simple Web interface can help a community collaboratively develop a document or web page, from anywhere.
    Wikis can be public facing, meaning that anyone can see the content, or only open to a defined community within or across organizations. Wikipedia is one of the most well-known public wikis."

  • Disinformation

    The physical act in, communicating incorrect information , purposely.

  • Jan 13, 14 supports that "false information that is intended to make people believe something that is not true". They were exactly right.

  • Jan 13, 14

    according to the collins dictionary , (they keep it straight and simple in saying) "false information intended to deceive or mislead"

  • Jan 13, 14

    the reverse dictionary declares that "If you accuse someone of spreading disinformation, you are accusing them of spreading false information in order to deceive people." I agree 100 percent because they make sure they include that the disinformation is purposely meant for the trick of deceiving you.

  • Netiquette

    Etiquette is the ability be polite and have proper manors. Since Netiquette is simply a spin off, made purposely for every user of the internet .

  • Jan 13, 14

    "rules about the proper and polite way to communicate with other people when you are using the Internet" i agree 100 percent

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