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Lauren Lai's List: Congo Disease In Animals

  • Apr 19, 12

    The diseases from Congo have mostly been living off the polluted, poor living conditions and have spread the disease even further by the animals within the environment being the carriers and infecting areas.

    • Major infectious diseases: degree of risk: very high  
    • food or waterborne diseases: bacterial and protozoal diarrhea,  hepatitis A, and typhoid fever
      vectorborne diseases:  malaria, plague, and African trypanosomiasis (sleeping sickness)  
      water contact disease: schistosomiasis
      animal  contact disease: rabies (2009)

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  • Apr 19, 12

    Traveling to the Congo requires vaccines unless you would like to forever have and spread the diseases. These vaccines are recommended to be taken at least 4-6 weeks to let the vaccine set it and any other medication would be necessary.

    • get the following vaccinations and medications for vaccine-preventable diseases and other diseases you might be at risk for
    • (Note: Your doctor or health-care provider will determine what you will need, depending on factors such as your health and immunization history, areas of the country you will be visiting, and planned activities.)

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  • Apr 19, 12

    4.Organizations benefitting the Congo are easily forgotten in their dire state and can be revived with funding from neighboring countries.

    • Burundi, the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and Rwanda - have agreed to revive the Institute of Agricultural and Zootechnical Research (IRAZ) to better tackle a range of plant and animal diseases.
    • countries have not been honouring their funding pledges, citing economic difficulties

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  • Apr 19, 12

    One disease can be isolated, but once it appears in an area the whole population decreases and so do the wildlife, then it can ruin the place eternally.

    • Hyalomma ticks are known to transmit the  disease to animals and man. There is a brief but high-titre viraemic phase  in mammals, at which stage their blood is highly infectious
    • Several human outbreaks and individual cases have been reported previously in  South Africa.

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  • Apr 19, 12

    Website leading to specific information.

    -Contains a list of disease outbreaks
    -Immunization records (act of making immune)
    -Country statistics about random factoids

    • Africa :: Congo, Democratic Republic of the
    • Congolese

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