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  • Aug 18, 11

    By taking your brand mobile and leveraging the unique properties of the medium, you have an opportunity to extend your brand's reach, deepen the customer relationship, build brand loyalty, and even create a new revenue stream. What's more, you can reap these benefits with minimal cost because you can reuse the same skills, tools, and code base you already have in-house. This paper is dedicated to helping you, your designers, and your developers get started publishing to this exciting new channel.

  • Aug 24, 11

    When you see young people engrossed in what is on their mobile phone, don’t assume they are just wasting time on games or texting friends. They may just be completing the latest module of their training course.

    An E-learning Innovations project (E-books and Dynamic Content) conducted by registered training organisation (RTO) Scripture Union Queensland (SU QLD) tested the possibilities of providing training content to learners via e-books accessible on a mobile phone.

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