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Jay Peledge's List: The Grapes of Wrath

    • Following World War I, a recession led to a drop in the market price of farm crops and caused Great Plains farmers to increase their productivity through mechanization and the cultivation of more land.  This increase in farming activity required an increase in spending that caused many farmers to become financially overextended.
    • Many independent farmers lost their farms when banks came to collect on their notes, while tenant farmers were turned out when economic pressure was brought to bear on large landholders.  The attempts of these displaced agricultural workers to find other work were met with frustration due to a 30 percent unemployment rate.

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  • Jan 22, 10

    New Deal American Art

    • The  photograph that has become known  as "Migrant Mother" is  one of a series of photographs that  Dorothea Lange made of Florence  Owens Thompson and her children  in February or March of 1936 in  Nipomo,  California.
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