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John Smallwood's List: WP # 2 Annotated Bibliography

  • Introduction

    The conduction of research is on the effects of mandatory minimum sentencing. The topic of federal sentencing guidlines has been discussed and debated by law makers, wardens, and individuals who have been handed the sentences. With the research gathered information will be provided about the history of mandatory sentencing and several effects such as; prison overcrowding, cost to the tax payers, and the early release of violent criminals.

  • Mar 20, 10

    DeBenedictis, D. (1993). How long is too long?. ABA Journal, 79(10), 74. Retrieved from Academic Search Premier database. \n\nThis article gives the history behind mandatory minimum sentencing. Also discussed in the source is the excessive prison terms attached to the sentencing guidelines. Don J.DeBenedictis, is a lawyer and editor and chief of Lawyer Today.

  • Mar 28, 10

    Gill, M. (2009). Let's Abolish Mandatory Minimums: The Punishment Must Fit the Crime. Human Rights: Journal of the Section of Individual Rights & Responsibilities, 36(2), 4. Retrieved from Academic Search Premier database.

    This article was found searching mandatory minimum sentencing in the Academic Premier database. In the article the author discusses the unfairness of mandatory minimums. She gives an anecdote about an individual who stole $153 worth of video tapes and is now seerving a life sentence under the three strikes law which is a mandatory minimum sentencing law. The author makes strong points that sentnecing guidelines are unconstitutional. Molly Gill is the director of special and legal projects for Families Against Mandatory Minimums. Although tthe authors views are very one sided her information is compelling and concrete.

  • Mar 27, 10

    Freeman, R. (1999) Correctional organization and management: public policy challenges, behavior, and structure. Butterworth-Heinman. Retrieved March 12,2010 from google books.

    This source is a book with information about the effects of mandatory sentencing guidelines. The book gives evidence showing the rise in prison population (an affect of mandatory minimums) since the introduction of mandatory minimums. The author Robert Freeman has been a manager of correctional facilities for 21 years.

  • Mar 28, 10

    dailybackground (2007, October14)Whats wrong with mandatory minimum sentencing? [videofile]. video posted to \n\nIn this source was found searching youtube .com.

    In this video Dr. Alvin Poussaint discusses the unfairness of mandatroy minimum cocaine sentences. He also touches on the sentencing guidelines causing prison overcrowding. Dr. Poussaint is a professor of psychiatry at Harvard University.

  • Mar 20, 10

    Grover G., N., President, &americans for tax, R. (n.d). Mandatory minimums. FDCH Congressional Testimony, Retrieved from Military & Government Collection database. \n\nThis source was found using the library database in a search for mandatory minimum and taxpayer spending. The testimony discusses the cost of corrections in correlation with mandatory minimums. This source helps inform my reader about the increase in corrections cost since the introduction of mandatory minimum sentences. Grover G. Norquist is the president of Americans for Tax Reform. The author or speaker is well known in the government and often speaks at congress.

  • Mar 27, 10

    Vitanen, M. (March 25, 2009) New York stiffens laws in harsh drug sentences. Move would save money and ease prison overcrowding. The Houston Chronicle p.17 Retrieved March 26,2010.

    This source is a newspaper article found usinf the library database. The article discusses the possibility of mandatory minimum reform in the state of New York. The article also provides information about the current strain that mandatory minimums cause the prison population and the state budget.

  • Apr 01, 10

    Cox, M. ( 2010, January 22). Cox fights early release of violent criminals in Oakland, Berrien, and Alpena counties. Retrieved April 1, 2010 from,1607,7-164--230336--,00.html

    This source discusses the early relese of violent criminals. The source gives examples of convicts committing heinous crimes while on parole. The author of the article is the Mike Cox the Attorney General of Michigan, which gives the information great credibility. I will use this source to give my audience insight into the domino effect of mandatory minimum sentencing.

  • Apr 01, 10

    Hughes, T. Wlison, D. (n.d) Reentry trends in the U.S. retrieved \n\nfrom:

    This source is a report which gives trend statistics regarding convicts who are granted parole. The report gives information about trends of parolees from 1994 until 2001. The source will help me show the amount of violent drug offenders that are released from prison. I will also use the source to show the percentage of individuals who complete the parole term. The report was written by Timothy Hughes and Doris James Wilson, who are statiticians for the Bureau of Justice. Although the authors are not well known in their field they are employees of the U.S government, which makes the source very credible.

  • Conclusion

    This concludes the research gathered on the topic of mandatory minimum sentencing. The research provided the history of mandatory minimum sentences as well as effects like prison overcrowding, cost to the tax payers, and early release of violent criminals.

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