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Jason McNee's List: Digital Identity

    • Digital Identity has been described as “the sum of all digitally available information about an individual.” It’s your digital footprint—the evidence of your life in tweets, Facebook updates, pins, blog posts and other interactions on the Web.
    • With the combined advent of the social Web and mobile technology, we live at the very beginning of a historic change in the evolution of human communication. Consider this: Your great-grandchildren will know significantly more about you than you will ever know about even your own parents. Increasingly, you share where you go, what you do and what you think—and in real time—creating a detailed digital footprint. What’s more, by leveraging countless layers of social connections, any one episode in that story can reach a global audience.


      This is your story in the making. This is the creation of your legacy. This is your Digital Identity.

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  • Aug 11, 13

    "Your data and personal accounts and digital identity—content that is increasingly being referred to as your "digital estate"—remain in the cloud, of course. But what's to become of it all? Should your Facebook profile remain accessible, your Instagram archived? And who should have access?"

    • Your data and personal accounts and digital identity—content that is increasingly being referred to as your "digital estate"—remain in the cloud, of course. But what's to become of it all? Should your Facebook profile remain accessible, your Instagram archived? And who should have access?


        As our lives and identities are increasingly managed online and channeled through social media, the notion of digital estate management has become less of a dystopian punchline and more a topic of genuine concern

      • The substance of your digital identity is now reaching into the realm of the monetary as well and contributing the new term 'digital estate'.  More and more it's becoming apparent that your online perspective is beginning to become more profound than your physical existence.

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