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Jlitven's List: Self-Improvement

    • Combine doing less with supreme confidence and you have the essence of cool.
    • In the paper “Coolness: An Empirical Investigation” rebelliousness was found to be a key component of cool

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    • 1) Get out in nature
    • 2) Exercise

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    • Do not stay in a job you dislike.
    • Choose a career for the intrinsic rewards, not the financial ones.

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    • 1. Set bold but realistic goals.
    • 2. Learn to see your accomplishments.

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  • Mar 12, 14

    Great tips for dealing with stress. I think breathing, exercising and meditation are the most useful for me.

    • Whenever I get stressed, I exercise.
    • Recognize stress for what it actually is: fiction. Worse: it’s really crappy fiction. If you can do that, stress becomes a lot easier to ignore.

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  • Mar 13, 14

    Very useful article describing how debilitating and subtle fear really is.

    • Can’t change diet: Same as exercise really. Although there are also often emotional issues, in which case the fears can be very similar to the ones that lead to the shopping habit and financial problems.
    • Aren’t doing work you love: You maybe don’t know what you want to do, which means you haven’t committed to really exploring (fear of failing), or you know but haven’t taken the plunge (fear of failure), or fear that you’re not good enough.

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      • Capture to-do’s. Get it out of your head and in a system: paper or text file.
    • Pick 3 MITs (Most Important Things) each morning and focus on doing them first. Get them done before anything else.

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    • There will be times when you falter, almost invariably. Who will you turn to when you need encouragement?
    • Not having support.

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    • ‘All men’s miseries derive from not being able to sit in a quiet room alone.’ ~Blaise Pascal
    • We’ll eat junk food or shop to comfort ourselves, because these things are replacements for love.

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    • One Goal
    • Find inspiration.

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    • Signature strengths are the secret to experiencing more “flow” at work and in life.
    • Too much time is a burden

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    • “The man who makes everything that leads to happiness depend upon himself, and not upon other men, has adopted the very best plan for living happily. This is the man of moderation, the man of manly character and of wisdom.”


      - Plato

    • According to psychologist Daniel Kahneman, humans consistently over-estimate the value or pleasure of what they don’t have and over-estimate the pain or loss of losing something they do have.

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      • The word “yes” leads to happiness.
      • The word “no” leads to success.
    • “Yes” creates opportunity. Saying yes a lot makes more things happen.

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    • 1. You’re afraid to stand out among the crowd.
    • Emerson wrote, “Society everywhere is in conspiracy against the self-reliance of every one of its members.”

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    • As humans, we’re wired for comparison. It’s an inevitable facet of our being. We are constantly trying to gauge how we measure up to those around us.
    • We may not be able to stop measuring ourselves against others, but we can decide which yardstick we use to measure.

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    • So, for instance, someone who is bullied in class regularly growing up may rationalize that he’s made fun of because he’s stupid and will never succeed intellectually. This explanation is easier to stomach than the alternative: that people can be cruel and that you must stand up for yourself sometimes.
    • The most unfortunate aspect of limiting beliefs is that our mind is constructed to unconsciously find evidence which already supports our currently-held beliefs. In psychology, this is referred to as the subjective validation bias. Once the belief is adopted, our mind then goes on auto-pilot to continue reinforcing it.

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    • Incorporating a lot of the blog’s strategies can be as easy as buying a notebook.
    • Writing forces you to organize and clarify your thoughts. You learn better when you write things down and are more likely to follow through.

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    • 1. “If I could just X, then my life would be amazing.”
    • It’s an excellent evolutionary strategy, but a poor happiness strategy. If we’re always looking for what’s next it becomes quite difficult to appreciate what is now.

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    • Rule #1: Be skeptical of everything, first and foremost yourself.
    • To become permanently attached to one belief-system without skepticism is to remain stuck forever.

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