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Jio Jeong's List: APartheid

    • from 1948 until 1991
    • South African government's policy of rigid racial segregation.

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    • National Party gained power in South Africa in 1948, its all-white government immediately began enforcing existing policies of racial segregation under a system of legislation that it called apartheid.
    • Under apartheid, nonwhite South Africans (a majority of the population) would be forced to live in separate areas from whites and use separate public facilities, and contact between the two groups would be limited.

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      • Dutch Settlers (Boers) abuse Africans for their own profit

    • · 1651: Dutch settlers arrive in South Africa. In 1756, they import   slaves from West Africa, Malaysia, and India, establishing the dominance   of whites over non-whites in the region.

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    • The impact of apartheid on black education was profound. Verwoerd’s 1953 Bantu Education Act established an inferior education system for Africans based upon a curriculum intended to produce manual laborers and obedient subjects. Similar discriminatory education laws were also imposed on Coloureds, who had lost the right to vote in 1956, and Indians. The government denied funding to mission schools that rejected Bantu Education, leading to the closure of many of the best schools for Africans
    • In the higher education sector, the Extension of University Education Act of 1959 prevented black students from attending "white" universities (except with government permission) and created separate and unequal institutions for Africans, Coloureds, and Indians respectively

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    • Economic causes for the rise of apartheid complemented political and ideological ones. The mines, factories, and farms all depended on cheap black labor. As a result, white-owned businesses accumulated huge profits by supporting a government that denied blacks the vote and paid artificially low wages. In addition to capitalist employers, white factory workers and World War II veterans voted for apartheid in 1948 to protect their economic advantages and to oppose black urbanization and social welfare. Furthermore, many white families benefited from the work of black domestic servants who provided childcare, cooking, and house car
    • The 1950s can be described as the era of "petty apartheid," when the Nationalists passed many new racist laws similar to Jim Crow in the United States in order to enforce a racially separate and unequal social orde

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    • In 1948, the Reunited National Party, representing ethnic nationalist Afrikaners, won the national election on a platform of racism and segregation under the slogan of "apartheid"- or "apartness" in the Afrikaans language
    • fundamental deterioration of the position of black people in South Africa for the next four decades.

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    • Nelson Mandela, born in 1918, was a South African political activist who campaigned, sometimes violently, to end apartheid (more on apartheid later) starting in the 1940s.
    • Mandela's most important accomplishments were helping to end apartheid and then to help lead South Africa away from its deep racial divides and toward pluralistic democracy.

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