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Jennifer Jensen

Jennifer Jensen's Public Lists

  • Almanacs (6)

    Online almanac resources.

    Created: Aug 09, 08 Modified: Aug 10, 08

  • Biographies (5)

    Biographies for various people of interest.

    Created: Aug 10, 08 Modified: Aug 10, 08

  • Blogging (4)

    Learn what blogging can do for you and your students.

    Created: Aug 09, 08 Modified: Aug 10, 08

  • Blogs to Read (6)

    Check out these blogs and decide if you want to subscribe.

    Created: Aug 09, 08 Modified: Aug 10, 08

  • Citation Resources (2)

    Learn how to effectively cite your resources.

    Created: Aug 09, 08 Modified: Aug 10, 08

  • Classroom Management (2)

    Help your students and classroom function effectively and efficiently.

    Created: Aug 09, 08 Modified: Aug 10, 08

  • Colorado History (78)

    Resources for Colorado History.

    Created: Aug 09, 08 Modified: Nov 12, 08

  • Current Events (2)

    Resources that allow students and teachers to stay up on the world around them.

    Created: Aug 09, 08 Modified: Aug 10, 08

  • DEP (3)

    Digital Educator Program

    Created: Aug 09, 08 Modified: Aug 10, 08

  • Earth Science (12)

    Resources that are related to the various Earth Science topics.

    Created: Aug 09, 08 Modified: Aug 10, 08

  • Fitness (3)

    Resources for PE teachers and student fitness.

    Created: Aug 10, 08 Modified: Aug 10, 08

  • Graphic Organizers (14)

    Resources to help students and teachers organize their thought and work.

    Created: Aug 09, 08 Modified: Aug 10, 08

  • Inspiration (1)

    Resources to use with students and for yourself.

    Created: Aug 10, 08 Modified: Aug 10, 08

  • Interactive White Boards (3)

    Resources related to the various interactive white boards (eg SMART Board).

    Created: Aug 09, 08 Modified: Aug 10, 08

  • Internet Safety (1)

    Resources to help keep students safe while exploring the Internet.

    Created: Aug 09, 08 Modified: Aug 10, 08

  • Interventions (1)

    Resources for the various areas of interventions - special education, ESL, etc.

    Created: Aug 09, 08 Modified: Aug 09, 08

  • Life Science (10)

    Resources that are related to the various Life Science topics.

    Created: Aug 09, 08 Modified: Nov 12, 08

  • Math (18)

    Resources related to all areas of math.

    Created: Aug 09, 08 Modified: Aug 10, 08

  • Mission Statements (2)

    Resources to help schools and/or teachers write mission statements.

    Created: Aug 09, 08 Modified: Aug 10, 08

  • Online Games (7)

    Fun and educational online games and activities.

    Created: Aug 09, 08 Modified: Nov 12, 08

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