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Jedd Bartlett's List: neocolonialism

  • Jan 03, 09

    In Education as Cultural Imperialism Martin Carnoy argues: ". . . the way society organizes formal schooling is a function of the economic and social hierarchy and cannot be separated from it... the schools function to reinforce the social relations in production. . . ." (p. 343) To support this argument, he has embarked upon an extensive study of the roles that schooling has played in five different societies.

  • Dec 31, 08

    Abstract: Examines the rapidly changing context of educational change in Southeast Asia. In particular, it explores the impact of a changing global educational ideal, multiculturalism, and technological innovation on the purposes and practices of schooling in this region. Argues that the unprecedented pace and scope of change in the region require an approach to educational reform rather than simply the capacity to implement new reform policies. Discusses how the concept of a learning organization might inform the role of system leaders in fostering educational change in these rapidly developing nations.

  • Dec 31, 08

    At the turn of the century, many Asian countries are faced with tensions arising from the linguistic shift in language policies stemming from pressures of globalization. Very often, these pressures arise as a result of the shift in domain use from that of the national language to the establishment of English as medium of instruction at varying levels of the education system, ranging from the primary to higher education. This increasing hegemony of English elicits reactions of varying degrees of anxiety over its impact on national cultural identities.

  • Dec 31, 08

    By linking constructivist pedagogies to ELL instruction, this book provides a culturally responsive approach that builds on students' experiences and strengths. Sharon Adelman Reyes and Trina Lynn Vallone supply in-depth classroom examples and grade-level connections to help readers apply constructivist methods in teaching ELLs. Designed for inclusive classrooms with diverse student backgrounds and abilities...

  • Dec 31, 08

    The effects of globalization have long been dealt with in terms of economic and technological consequences, but what about the influence on education? Though still not a precise concept, what we understand as globalization is bringing forth numerous and profound changes in the economic, cultural, and political life of nations. With increased opportunities for interaction and learning, education around the world is rapidly becoming transformed. The essays contained in this comprehensive yet readable book, strive to provide a thorough examination of the impact these changes are having on how education is defined, whom it serves, and how it is assessed around the world.

  • Dec 31, 08

    ... the heart of fundamental debates about the role of schools in society; the links between language policies and inequalities of class, region, and ethnicity/nationality; and conflicts between linguistic minorities and "mainstream" populations. The connections between language policies and inequality are examined, as well as successful efforts to use language policies in education to assert the social and linguistic rights of language minorities.

  • Dec 31, 08

    The contributors to this volume examine the tension between the educational agendas and other social and political agendas underlying medium of instruction policies in different countries around the world, and unravel the connections between these policies and the related, critically important educational, social, political, and economic issues.

  • Dec 31, 08

    this volume makes an important contribution in terms of analyzing and demonstrating how language is closely linked with crucial social, political, and economic forces, particularly the tensions between the demands of globalization and local identity.

  • Dec 30, 08

    In implementing school reform efforts to improve student achievement, reconciliation of best teaching practices and the creation of hybrid pedagogies are critical in addressing a future of an increasingly diverse country and global community.

  • Dec 30, 08

    This study examines the vigorous dialectic presently occurring between intellectuals, religious leaders and politicians trying to define the appropriate role of Islam in education in Egypt. The study highlights the ideological disjunction between a small but powerful eacutelite who are the 'gatekeepers' of education policy and a polity that is calling for a greater infusion of Islamic instruction in the national education system. This study illustrates the challenges of Egypt's policy-makers in sustaining an education system with goals that are interpreted by many to be inconsistent, contradictory or counter to the collective socio-religious prerogatives of the society at large.

  • Sep 28, 08

    In order to translate informal use of communication technologies outside school into applied activities inside school, educators must consider content and the pedagogies best suited for bridging these in- and out-of-school uses of technology. Schools of education provide a natural entry point for considering possible approaches for accomplishing this.

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