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Ivy Phetteplace's List: Expository Writing

      • I find it interesting that the words "sinner" and "hypocrite" are being confused because they don't have a lot in common. Sinning and being a hypocrite is something that you can do but being a hypocrite is by choice while everyone sins. 

    • nfortunately the words “sinner” and “hypocrite” are being confused.

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      • I find it interesting that this was the number 1 response. The church should be for people who aren't perfect and need help. That's why most "sinners" come to church. I don't think that it is the churches place to judge people who are coming even to try out the whole church thing. 

    • “Church people judge me.”

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    • Many will be confused, if not offended by such a statement,  for they have identified God with religion. Religion, therefore,  needs to be defined and differentiated from the Christian gospel.

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      • Hypocrites 

    • Then the Lord said to him, "You Pharisees are so careful to clean the outside of the cup and the dish, but inside you are filthy--full of greed and wickedness!
      • I believe that this isn't what true Christianity is about. When you are "shaking with anger" about something little like that you are just making a fool of yourself. A lot of member from my church left when we changed the color of the stage. Changes have to be made in order to be better so why get mad at the changes?  

    • “There are too  many changes! They’ve taken the  ‘Amen’ away from the Our Father!  Now they’ve gone too far!”

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      • Vision for H20!

    • In the 1800's in America an Awakening occurred. People began to search for truths on their own, rather than just staying with their religion of birth. When they did not find what they were looking for, some began their own churches.
      • I find it interesting that Jesus clearly says not to judge people but we still find ourselves judging people in the church. It's very hard not to judge people but that means that we should work even harder not to judge people. 

    • blunt and absolute, Jesus commanded us, "Do not judge" (Matt. 7:1)

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  • Mar 22, 13

    This website was meant more for algebra teachers who need to get caught up to speed with how algebra should be taught. I think that this website could be beneficial for me because it shows different ways to learn algebra. With this resource I can learn what way I learn best and how to deepen my understanding of algebra concepts. 

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