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Heather D's List: Digital Natives/Identity

    •  Social media activities are associated with several beneficial social  activities, including having discussion networks that are more likely to contain  people from different backgrounds.
      • Like digital immigrants. Able to forge connections with people of different backgrounds because they are connected.

    • For instance, frequent internet users, and those who maintain a blog are much  more likely to confide in someone who is of another race.

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    • for who one is.
    • for who one is. However, other perspectives of adolescent development  view the  construction of self as one that involves

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    • persistent identity
    • s tied real-world individuals to their internet personas more closely than ever  before.
      • Like Indiana article... identity is shared between spaces.

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    • o   complete  as to almost mirror your nondigital
    • I  mean this   completely uncynically: your name is a  brand

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    • maintain two personas: a real-life self and a digital self
    • accounts. Teens today are entrenched in the online world, but do they really  know

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  • May 27, 10

    This is from the psychoanalyst Erikson, who coined the phrase "identity crisis". He argues that identities can be fragmented, but, through history and community, identities are able to be formed during adolescents.

    • .  No ego is an island to itself.
    • No  ego is an island to itself

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    • the mind as constantly in conflict with itself
    • eventual division of the mind into three parts, three conflicting internal  tendencies, the well-known id, ego, and super-ego.

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