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  • May 03, 07

    * It seems a Bookmark can exist in only one List.
    * Note the use of a "..." tag string. This can be particularly useful in PnH since tag order is preserved by Dg:.
    * Bookmarks that are tagged ".0" and that are 'public', act as Introductory entry points.
    * Experiment with the use of the Slide capability.

    • My Bookmarks tagged
      • 080106 Converted this to a Private bookmark, simply to be able to find it more effectively by using the Private filter.

      • 080101 this bookmark's stickies should be harvested.

      • 10 more sticky notes...
  • Mar 06, 11

    Starting an evaluation of some twitter apps.

  • *


    RT @weex: @Dynadot users, you can still manage your account using in a hosts file pointing to www . dynadot . com. Use https





    * For which type of Notes should GUI edit capabilities be exploited further?


    * Notes may be originating on mobile devices.  This is suggested by the "...also... android..." comment when in Edit view.

    • * Does there need to be an explicit action to get Twwets to post at DiiGo?
      * Could I have caused a password issue during SysH-2012 setup?
      - Hans Wobbe on 2012-05-26
  • Oct 14, 13

    It is particularly useful to sort by Updated since this makes the Tags lines more convenient.

  • Jul 02, 12

    The RssFeed object tages libk directly back to the DiiGo source.
    * DiiGo hints may work after all.
    * Forward from gMail to dMail in order to set reminders in outlook.
    ** Check hotmail to see if this works and if *.PSTs will sync.
    Since gMail cannot be tagged, this may be an effective mashup.
    * This bookmark failed to get to the exact message. There should, however, be an easy way of making that happen.

  • Aug 16, 11

    NCs = The trailing "." is need to distinguish .01. as a Month rather than a Day.

      • Mobile devices can issue Reminders at Locations. Try this.

      • Mobile devices can issue Reminders at Locations. Try this.[on 2017-10-06]
        Mobile devices can issue Reminders at Locations. Try this.[on 2017-10-06]
        Mobile devices can issue Reminders at Locations. Try this.[on 2017-10-06]

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