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libmaryann M's List: Health/Medicine

  • Nov 03, 09

    The Globe's public health reporter wades through the confusion surrounding the threat posed, and the risks and benefits of the vaccine

  • Oct 24, 09

    HealthGavel™ is the first online healthcare magazine written for the general public. We are a social business whose model is the increased health and wellbeing of the global community, rather than dollars and cents. The stories are written by leading experts, practitioners and patients who leave you with useful and practical information that can contribute to increased knowledge and increased wellness. They are written in a format that is easy to understand, which you can then judge for yourself and comment on to create awareness and discussion around topics of interest.

    You don’t need to be a medical expert, physician, nurse or scientist to understand what we are writing about. All you need to do is come back each day and read about the most pressing and popular issues in healthcare today. We will explore things in simple formats and only if it is brought to our attention by curious minds who need to know the bottom line on various healthcare topics.

    With that said, we encourage our readers to send us emails and leave comments on stories they like or want to know more about. We are deeply networked in the global healthcare arena and can have your requests addressed. We also encourage commenting on our stories or asking questions which other readers can address and assist with, to create a community forum that is socially responsible and helps spread the word.

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