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Mela Eckenfels's List: LARP-Kochbuch

  • Mar 01, 11

    "I am excited to take you on a journey, an adventure of my own desire to explore and experience Medieval Cuisine. I am Euriol of Lothian, a member of the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA) since 1989. My journey into researching medieval foods began in the early in my active participation in the society and stems from a joy of cooking I learned as a child from my parents.

    I have organized and cooked a number of feasts over the years, taught a number of classes on Medieval Cuisine and entered and judged a number of cooking competitions.
    The purpose of this website is to share my journey. It includes my own research as well as to provide useful information in helping others to research Medieval Cuisine. If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to email me directly.

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