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  • Feb 18, 11

    Major city governments across North America are looking for ways to share civic data — which normally resides behind secure firewalls — with private developers who can leverage it to serve city residents via web and mobile apps. Cities can spend on average between $20,000 and $50,000 — even as much as $100,000 — to cover the costs of opening data, but that’s a small price to pay when you consider how much is needed to develop a custom application that might not be nearly as useful.

  • Feb 14, 11

    A competitor to Google Maps(!)
    A Competitor to Google Street View(!)

    from their about page:Founded in 2006, Berkeley based earthmine incorporated is indexing reality. Through a set of unique technologies earthmine has made it possible to collect detailed and accurate 3D street level imagery of every street, ally or freeway in a metropolitan area. Together with a set of hosting and development tools, the solution is a complete way to collect, process and work with the 3D world.

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