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  • Jan 12, 10

    Prodoc FAQ's are more detailed than West/Thompson, which has acquired them.

      • Every ProDoc subscription comes standard with:

        • Licenses for three computers or three concurrent users,
        • Free training,
      • Every ProDoc subscription comes standard with:

        • Licenses for three computers or three concurrent users,
        • Free training,

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  • Jan 16, 10

    Sept-Oct 2009 The Prosecutor
    By W. Clay Abbott TDCAA DWI Resource Prosecutor in Austin

    • Chapter 724 of the Texas Transportation Code will allow warrantless, mandatory blood draws in felony DWI and DWI-related offenses, effective September 1. Because the new law will virtually remove the need for blood search warrants in felony cases, let’s take a thorough look at the changes.
    • Before September 1, 2009

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  • Jan 16, 10

    Sept-Oct 2009, The Prosecutor
    By Warren Diepraam Assistant District Attorney in Montgomery ­County

    15 minutes on dry land before FST's

    • recent legislation making it easier to obtain mandatory blood samples and blood search warrants. (See W. Clay Abbott’s article on the subject on page 8.
    • recent legislation making it easier to obtain mandatory blood samples and blood search warrants. (See W. Clay Abbott’s article on the subject on page 8.

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  • Jan 16, 10

    "The psychometrics and science of the standardized field sobriety tests (Part 2)"
    NCDL Champion magazine, June 2003

  • Jan 16, 10

    The psychometrics and science of the standardized field sobriety tests (Part 2)
    NACDL Champion magazine June 2003

  • Jan 16, 10

    "DWI-Modern Day Salem Witch Hunts

    By: Mimi Coffey

    DWI-Modern Day Salem Witch Hunts

    As published in the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers magazine, "The Champion". November, 2004

    Judge Daryl Coffey of County Criminal Court number 8, in Tarrant County, Texas once remarked to me that all a prosecutor has to do to win a DWI case is just make sure that the three letters “DWI” are mentioned at least 15 times in a trial.1 It is this type of environment that has allowed history to repeat itself. All we have to do is look back to the Salem Witch Hunt trials of 1692 where 19 convicted “witches” lost their lives on “specter” evidence.2 Evidence in DWI trials has not come a long way from 1692 where claims of apparitions only visible to their victims were enough to get one hung. The greatest challenge to DWI practitioners these days and to those accused of DWI/DUI related crimes is that courtrooms have not kept pace with the science. Bad science is rubberstamped with approval by the majority of the judiciary as long as the government sponsors it.

    Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus

    The horizontal gaze nystagmus test, or HGN, is alleged to be 77% accurate (80% accurate with the W&T) in determining if a person is .10 BAC3 or more.4 The first problem with this test is the particularity. Police officers are not ophthalmologists trained in the detection of eye movements and or eye pathologies. There are forty-seven types of nystagmus in individuals, separate from Horizontal Nystagmus:

    (1) Acquired; (2) Anticipatory (induced); (3) Arthrokinetic (induced, somatosensory); (4) Associated (induced, Stransky’s); (5) Audio kinetic (induced); (6) Bartel’s (induced); (7) Brun’s; (8) Centripetal; (9) Cervical (neck torsion, vestibular-basilar artery insufficiency); (10) Circular/Elliptic/Oblique (alternating windmill, circumduction, diagonal, elliptic, gyratory, oblique, radiary); (11) Congenital (fixation, hereditary); (12) Convergence; (13) Convergence-evoked; (14) Dissociated (disjunctive); (15) Downbeat; (16) Drug-induced (b

  • Jan 18, 10

    Sunday, January 17, 2010 By MATT RICHTEL
    c.2010 New York Times News Service

  • Jan 18, 10

    "Sunday, January 17, 2010 By Matt Richtel, The New York Times"

  • Jan 18, 10

    "By Matt Richtel

    • Intelius is an information commerce company. It is the premier in the information commerce industry with innovating technologies to deliver information to the consumers online. Intelius offers predictive intelligence to help consumers and businesses making important everyday decisions. The Intelius website is in the top 100 commerce sites on the internet. It offers products and services from basic people search to HR background checks.
  • Mar 20, 10

    M. Anderson Berry and David Kiernan
    Internet Law & Strategy
    January 21, 2010

    • a collection agent must stop calling a debtor by telephone and proceed only via mail if the debtor sends a cease and desist letter to the agency
    • Collection agencies sometimes contact individuals other than the debtor and this is allowed only with important limitations. Under the FDCPA, a collector is permitted to call a neighbor or relative for help in locating the person who owes a debt as long as there is no communication about the debt. Collectors must state their name and must give the name of their employer if the person specifically asks. A collector may contact each person once, unless it is believed that the person gave the collector incorrect or incomplete information at the time, but now has complete or updated information

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  • Mar 20, 10

    Two Texas lists, plus the national list, plus numerous individual state lists

  • Mar 20, 10

    Portfolio Recovery Associates questionable and illegal actions. Phone numbers from which their calls come.

    • s CEO Steve Frederickson
    • Steven D. Fredrickson‎
       3208 Stapleford Chase
       Virginia Beach, VA 23452
       (801) 902-2429

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