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dexter roona's List: my social media trends - wordpress

  • Apr 29, 14

    ""Facebook is so annoying." How many times have you heard that sentiment this past year? We bet a lot, because more and more people seem to be getting tired of the social media platform, especially young people.

    We've noticed a nationwide annoyance with Facebook over 2013. The company even admitted in October that younger teens were using the network less frequently on a daily basis. Here are 11 reasons that might convince you to let your Facebook account go in 2014."

  • Apr 29, 14

    "We're pretty keen on optimal timing for social media here at Buffer, and I figured it was high time I collected all the information we have about online communication into one place. I've collected research and stats on Twitter, Facebook, email and blogging to help you find the best time to communicate with others in each format."

  • Apr 29, 14

    "It's safe to say that spring is officially here. Hallelujah!

    And spring leads into summer, which means we are going to be shedding our layers in no time. Once the temps start to rise, it's always refreshing to get a haircut or brighten up your face with a new lip color, and no one understands that better than Hollywood.

    Emma Stone has been killin' it during her "Spiderman 2" promo tour, debuting a new brightened red 'do and bangs. In other news, Kate Middleton's Australia tour is over and while that may make us sad, we're more than happy to go back and ogle all her incredible outfits. Check out our favorite Twitter beauty moments from the last few days."

  • Apr 29, 14

    "If you're on Facebook, you probably have at least one former high school classmate who seems to never stop overloading your News Feed with crazy political rants or unnecessarily personal life updates. Perhaps you've thought about unfriending this person, or even gone ahead and pulled the trigger. To those of you, we say: You are far from alone."

  • Apr 29, 14

    "Google has not, and probably will never, announce that Google+ will be "sunsetted" (the company's favorite euphemism for killed off). But the Internet giant might as well have this week when the guy who has been running Google+ since day one said he's leaving.

    On Thursday, Vic Gundotra announced that he'd be moving on from Google after eight years with the company. "[I'm] forever in debt to the Google+ team," he wrote in a farewell note on Google+. "This is a group of people who built social at Google against the skepticism of so many.""

  • Apr 29, 14

    "Pinterest has announced a new feature designed to make searching through its more than 750 million boards with 30 billion Pins a more fun and ultimately more productive experience.

    Unveiled by Pinterest boss Ben Silbermann at a special event in San Francisco on Thursday, Guided Search for mobile offers users a new, visual way to find what they’re looking for among the mass of information on the fast-growing social networking site."

  • Apr 29, 14

    "If you’ve ever wondered why Instagram’s “Explore” tab shows the pictures it shows, you’re not alone. We have no idea why Instagram thinks anyone would want to see random pictures of random Instagramers that happened to receive a lot of likes. Which would mostly be duckface selfies, lunch photos, and people showing off. But now it seems that Instagram has realized the pointlessness of presenting its users with a wave of pictures they hardly care about, and have decided to make the “Explore” tab a better experience."

  • Apr 29, 14

    "Let’s face it, making a little extra scratch through online sites is less than ideal. So maybe you’re unemployed. Or you’ve settled for a job well below what your used to because of the job climate, the economy has made things tough for everyone.

    Regardless of your employment status and work experience, there are real answers on the internet to tide you over until your dream gig opens up. The Web has grown up in the last ten years. There’s still a Noah’s arc-load of weird porn and (p)awful cat memes, but making money online isn’t such a ridiculous idea anymore. Granted, you’ll still have to make it past the hordes of scams that offer too-good-to-be-true methods for making money at home."

  • May 10, 14

    "Do you promote your business using Google Plus? If not, you are loosing out on free and effective possibilities to market your company. Start building your G+ presence today with our interactive step-by-step guide!

    Google Plus offers businesses lots of free marketing opportunities to connect with existing and potential customers. You can create circles of people or companies related to your business or industry and share relevant resources with them. You can organize a video hangout to share your knowledge and you can participate in a community for people in your field of expertise. Or, you can just grow your online influence (and consequently improve rankings of your pages in Google) by creating and sharing quality content with others. Therefore, Google Plus is worth considering as one of the tools to market your business. In order to help you get started and learn many of the features of this social networking platform, we have developed an easy to follow guide. Click on the image below to go the interactive microsite full of links to valuable resources."

  • May 10, 14

    "G+ has rolled out a full bleed feature for images. There are specific requirements that trigger this effect. Mike Allton has a super helpful post with the details. Here’s what you need to know as a WordPress site owner to check for those specifics to see if your theme has them or not. Plus, the Google penalties that you could draw if you try to run end around the rules."

  • May 16, 14

    "By now, many businesses recognize the advantages of social media: reach your audience for free or at a low cost, build your brand, and share your expertise. Success stories are everywhere! A friend of mine owns Cream Barber and Shop in the Detroit area and uses Facebook to share his company's hours of operation, special promotion information, and photos of happy customers. Over the past four months, his Facebook page has grown to nearly 1,000 organic likes -- and this is just the tip of the iceberg. Here are three easy steps to determining how your small business can use social media:"

  • May 18, 14

    "Facebook Introduces Facebook Audience Insights: “A new tool designed to help marketers learn more about their target audiences, including aggregate information about geography, demographics, purchase behavior and more.”

    “Audience Insights is different from Page Insights because it looks at trends about your current or potential customers across Facebook, whereas Page Insights looks at the interactions with your Page (i.e., likes, comments and shares).”

    Twitter Announces Mute Feature: This new feature “gives you even more control over the content you see on Twitter by letting you remove a user’s content from key parts of your Twitter experience.”

    Pinterest Rolls Out Paid Test: Pinterest is “working with a small group of brands in the U.S. to roll out a paid test in [its] search and category feeds.”"

  • May 19, 14

    "As far as social media goes, building trust is one of the few goals that I can safely claim is a staple in the field of professional social media activity. I’d go as far to say that building trust via social media channels is one of the fundamental reasons that any business should utilize social media.

    Now, I’m not exactly blowing anybody’s mind with this observation; reasons why you should build trust are well documented (but. don’t. take. my. word. for. it). If you’ve read anything else regarding how I feel about the language we use for social media you know that I can’t stand when a concept becomes diluted because of inaccurate overuse."

  • May 20, 14


    "Instagram is a popular social network application that allows you to upload, edit, and caption your own photos. This simple guide shows you how to manage your account, take pictures and use Instagram."

  • May 22, 14

    "1. The ability to go into stealth unclickable mode on Twitter and Instagram, so there’s no chance of accidentally faving someone you’re stalking and shouldn’t be.
    2. When stalking someone on Facebook, the ability to press a button titled “Just show me the pictures that you actually appear in so I don’t have to go through all the 300 photos of your 2011 vacation album.” (Or, you know, something.)
    3. A Twitter feed that shows you every subtweet about yourself, no matter how subtle."

  • Jun 10, 14

    "Team Site Traffic Review – Designed For Marketers To Make A Name For Themselves On The Internet

    My Team Site Traffic Product Review will guide you through what is on offer with Team Site Traffic and introduce you to the creator.

    I will guide you through exactly what you get for your money when you purchase this revolutionary new marketing and educational package."

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