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Muchenxuan Tong's List: Note Taking

  • May 16, 14

    The author suggests to re-write the note so that you don't need the original source. By forcing yourself to organize the information, you are obligated to think clearly about the information at hand.

    Another key is to re-write on time (within 48 hours).

    • Organization is really the key virtue here. In order to have a well-organized set of notes, you must think about the material, asking yourself, "What are the most important parts of the material?" and "How do the different parts relate to each other?" If you do this, you should quickly find out what bits of the material do not make sense to you, and you can then use the text to remedy that lack of understanding, or, failing that, ask your instructor for help in understanding the material.


      This copying over should be performed at least 2-3 times per week, and typically with the textbook at hand to clear up any confusion you have about the material. If you leave it all for the weekend, then you risk having forgotten material covered in lecture (but for which you may not have taken good notes), have missed out on the opportunity to ask about your misunderstandings at lecture, and you have given yourself a mountain of work.


      One other advantage I found was this: knowing that you will be copying the notes over within about 48 hours, you are free to be as messy and disorganized as you wish, allowing much faster note-taking in class. This increases your ability to keep up with the instructor's lecture pace. See the example pages for what I'm taking about.

  • May 16, 14

    1. Never Record Raw Information
    2. Question Connections
    3. Adopt an Idea-Centric Note-Taking Format

    • To reduce the time required to study, you must try to do as much thinking and processing of the information as possible while still in the classroom. You’re there anyways, you might as well make the most of it! Don’t record what the professor says, record the importance of what he says. The only thing that should go into your notebook is processed information. When it comes time to study, your task becomes one of review, not thinking, and this saves significant time.
    • Instead, probe the connections between the information. Ask how an idea fits a theory mentioned earlier. Test your understanding of why a certain scholar thought a certain way, or what factor might explain a certain event. The less sure you are of your answer the more important it is for you ask. These connections are fuel for deep understanding.
    • This ideas shows up often on Study Hacks: identify your trouble spots as the semester progresses, do not wait until the weekend before the exam to try to fill in these gaps. This note-taking method forces this continual clarification.
    • -A few weeks after finishing the book, return to it and transfer those notes/thoughts on to the appropriate note cards. Why wait? Waiting helps you separate the wheat from the chaff. I promise that many of the pages you marked will not seem to important or noteworthy when you return to them. This is a good thing–it’s a form of editing.
    • -In the top right hand corner of each card, put a theme or category that this card belongs to. If a card can fit in multiple categories, just make a duplicate card. Robert uses color coded cards for an extra layer of organization.

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    • 真正的专家,都有自己的一整套知识体系。这套体系就如同他们心中的一棵不断生枝长叶的树,又如同一张随时变大变复杂的网。每当有新的知识进来,他们都知道该把这个知识放到体系的什么位置上去。有人管这套体系叫做 mental model, 有人管它叫 matrix。有了这套体系,你才可能对相关事务作出出神入化的“眨眼判断”,而不是靠什么“灵感”或者“女人的直觉”。



    • 我读到好书,也会做点读书笔记。如果你没做过,你不会有我的感受:写读书笔记太累了。正如钱钟书说的那样,到写读书笔记的时候,才发现很多读第一遍没有读出来的意思。在写笔记的时候要把一本书融会贯通,要记下自己的感想,甚至要跟作者对话。读各种闲书是我的业余爱好,只能使用零散的时间。在读闲书时间里我有三件事可以选择:读一本新书,写篇博客,或者写读书笔记。其中我最不愿意做的事情就是写读书笔记。实在是最高强度的脑力劳动。相比之下,反倒是科研笔记更容易写。

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