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      • This site gives a good explanation on waht a wiki is and how it can be used to coordinate

  • Mar 06, 12

    a wiki about wikis. this site has lots of information about what a wiki is, the history of wikis, wiki rules, how to use wikis, and other useful information.

      • What better site to explain what a wiki is than Wikipedia

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  • Mar 06, 12

    This site gives a short easy explanation of a wiki an explains why there isn't much vandalism on wikis. It also has a nice pic.

    • “A wiki is the simplest online database that could possibly work.” – Ward
    • You don’t need to know HTML, nor FTP, nor anything else

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  • Mar 06, 12

    This isn't a website it is a pdf but it is good because it gives a good scenario in which a wiki would be used and is organized in 7 sections that talk about what it is, who's using it, how it works, where it is going, why its significant, what are the implications, and what are the downsides

  • Mar 06, 12

    Good article that explain how wikis can be implemented for business use in the place of emails

    • first wiki software was created in 1995 by Ward Cunningham
    • In the corporate environment, wikis are best implemented behind a firewall for a wholly internal user base.

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  • Mar 06, 12

    I bookmarked this page because it compares the different wiki software available

    • Choosing Wiki Software

      I purposely saved this discussion until now, because there are so many different pieces of software available. Here are some of the programs I’ve tried:

      • Wiki Wiki Web (very nice): the original wiki, this one’s plain and simple. WikiWikiWeb is written in Perl and requires no special database features on your Web host. One great feature of this wiki is the ability to autogenerate maps of the interlinked connections with surrounding pages. You can get WikiWikiWeb from the Running Your Own Wiki FAQ and the WikiBase page.
      • UseMod (simple, excellent): a very simple-to-install Wiki — the entire program is just a single Perl script. While it may seem like overkill to throw an entire Web application into a single script, UseMod is very compact, yet extremely powerful. The Meatball Wiki uses UseMod. Configurations are made through a convenient configuration file. UseMod has many features, including an RSS feed, but it manages to stay simple and easy to use. UseMod contains as many of the concepts of pure hypertext as can be implemented simply on the Web, including the handy ability to include bits of wiki content from other pages, a technique called Transclusion.
      • TWiki (many features but somewhat confusing): the most complex wiki I’ve set up. Twiki is great because it has so many features, but at the same time, the amazing number of features also makes it confusing. If you have a lot of time, Twiki is immensely rewarding; if you don’t, you will likely get lost. Twiki is often used by companies and workgroups because it has permissions systems, categorizing features, and even progress bars on TODO lists. Twiki is written in Perl as well; you can download it from Twiki’s release page.
      • Moin Moin (excellent, if you have Python): a simple to set up, powerful Wiki, if your Web host has Python support. MoinMoin also has user management support. The MoinMoin Wiki has more information on installing MoinMoin on the Install Documentation page.
      • PHP Wiki (nice, if you have a database server, but complex): If you want a PHP Wiki, then PHP Wiki may be just what you want. It requires a SQL-based relational database server like MySQL or PostgreSQL to run. It has many features, including user authentication. Like TWiki, PHP Wiki has many features and can seem a bit complicated if you just want a simple wiki. Unlike most wikis, PHP Wiki has template support. Templates are hard to create and require a good understanding of PHP object oriented programming.
      • PHP Wiki Processor (what can I say? I use it!): Why not use a Wiki in the role of a regular content management system? I decided to try it out, and am very pleased with the result. PHP Wiki Processor keeps track of my pages and links at my site. Since it’s my personal site, I want to remain the sole creator — I can’t have anyone change my Resume, for example. So I set up PHP Wiki Processor to generate a set of static PHP pages from all my wiki pages. I can still edit my page online through a secure connection, but I decide who gets to change content on the site. When I load the site, I see an administrative wiki interface. Everyone else sees just a Website, which is how I want it. PHP Wiki Processor has simple, easy-to-use template support, and I was able to transfer my previous site header and footer easily. My knowledge of PHP did help, since I tend to tweak things endlessly. A thorough knowledge of PHP, however, is not necessary to use PHP Wiki Processor effectively.
  • Mar 06, 12

    has a good simple explanation on what a wiki is

  • Mar 07, 12

    This website gives the history of the popular wiki wikipedia

      • This website gives the history of the popular wiki wikipedia

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