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dan mcquillan's List: social computing IS52026B - lecture 18

    • hink of user stories as representing a collaboration between the customer and the developers, as opposed to documenting customer requirements. The purpose of this collaboration is to reveal and understand the details of the user stories, which are recorded in the confirmation.
    • Some people write a short description of the user story on the index card, while others like a statement of the format: [Role] can [capability], so that [benefit] .

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    • From the outside the lean startup movement could be deemed a tad cultish. Mantras flow fast and thick: "Fail fast", "Validate your vision", "Get out of the building"; there is talk of pivots and iterations, early adopters and positioning.
    • a successful project is no longer centred on specifications, change requests and resource management; instead lean exponents preach continuous deployment with a continuous feedback loop.

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  • Mar 06, 13

    5:00 - 12:15
    waterfall = known problem, known solution
    agile / xp = unknown problem, known solution
    lean = unknown problem, unknown solution
    3.43 a startup is a human institution designed to deliver a new product or service under conditions of extreme uncertainty
    3.49 involuntary erntrepreneurs
    4.00 anyone who's trying to create disruptive innovation under conditions of extreme uncertainty *is* an entrepreneur
    - how do you avoid going in circles. what do you hold on to as a concrete measure of progress?
    4.15 can we build a sustainable organisation to support that product or services?
    entrepreneurship is management - the goal is to create an institution
    need practices & principles geared to startup context of extreme uncertainty
    5.51 if we can reduce the time between pivots, we can increase our odds of success before we run out of money
    but we can't just go quickly around in circles
    so the hardest thing is knowing whether we're making progress
    takes principles from lean manufacturing, which confronted the same problem
    'how do we tell the difference between value-creating activities and waste?'
    what is it matter if we're on time and on budget if what we're doing has a problem at its heart
    we need validated learning
    12.50 gartner hype- cycle

    • Himanen (2001) argues that hacking should be understood as a new philosophy of business. He believes hackers have created a new way of working appropriate to the twenty–first century that can be captured in seven values: passion, freedom, social worth, openness, activity, caring and, the highest value, creativity.

      “… creativity — that is, the imaginative use of one’s own abilities, the surprising continuous surpassing of oneself and the giving to the world of a genuinely valuable contribution.” [1]
    • In opposition to this business orientation, Wark (2004) believes hackers are the new radicals of the twenty–first century. Hackers in their pursuit of free creativity turn out to be, for Wark, the revolutionary class of the twenty–first century.

      “To hack is to differ … . Hackers create the possibility of new things entering the world. Not always great things, or even good things, but new things. In art, in science, in philosophy and culture, in any production of knowledge where data can be gathered, where information can be extracted from it, and where in that information new possibilities for the world produced, there are hackers hacking the new out of the old.” [2]

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