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Diane Ankenmann's List: classroom management

  • Jul 25, 12

    5 daily challenges to have kids seat themselves; time for observation of interaction

    • <div id="center-well"><br/><br/> &lt;!-- .center-well-content begin: actual article/story contents --><br/> <div id="center-well-content"><br/> <br/>&lt;!--<br/><br/>on_before_center_column - start<br/><br/>--><br/><br/><br/>&lt;!--<br/><br/>on_before_center_column - end<br/><br/>--><br/><br/><br/>&lt;!-- Start Content for Search --><br/> <div class="coverdate"><br/> <div class="gray-label-plain">Published Online: June 27, 2012</div><br/> <br/><br/><br/> <br/><br/><br/> </div><br/> <br/> <br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/> <ul class="collection-header"><li class="collection-logo"><a rel="nofollow" href="/tm/collections/teacher-leaders-network/index.html"><img width="385" height="20" src="/media/2010/12/21/tln-long.gif" alt="collection logo"></a> </li><li><a rel="nofollow" href="/tm/collections/teacher-leaders-network/index.html">Complete Coverage <img width="5" height="8" src="/images/more-left-arrow.gif" alt="More"></a></li></ul> <br/><br/><br/> <h1>Teaching Secrets: Get to Know Students Through Seating Challenges</h1><br/><br/><br/><br/> <br/> <br/> <div class="byline"><br/> By<br/><br/> <br/><br/> Sandy Merz<br/><br/> </div><br/><br/> &lt;!-- user toolbox (story_toolbox_rev2.html) --><br/><br/>&lt;script type="text/javascript"><br/> &lt;!--<br/><br/> function Story() <br/> {<br/> this.title = this.getValue('Title');<br/> this.description = this.getValue('Description');<br/> = this.getValue('Author'); <br/> this.cover_date = this.getValue('Cover_date');<br/><br/> this.uri = ";cmp=clp-sb-mw";<br/> this.uri_encrypt = "";<br/><br/><br/> }<br/> <br/> Story.prototype.getValue = function (key) <br/> {<br/> var metatags = document.getElementsByTagName("meta");<br/> if (!metatags)<br/> return null;<br/> for (i = 0; i &lt; metatags.length; i++)<br/> {<br/> var name = metatags[i].getAttribute("name");<br/> if (name && name.indexOf(key) == 0)<br/> {<br/> return metatags[i].getAttribute("content");<br/> <br/> }<br/> }<br/> return null;<br/> }<br/> <br/> Story.prototype.getINTC = function (f, g) <br/> {<br/> var result = f;<br/> if (("" != g) && (null != g)) {<br/> if (result.indexOf("intc") &lt; 0) {<br/> result = result + ((result.indexOf('?') &lt; 0) ? 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Others may wait to make a seating chart until they get to know their students. </p><br/> <p>I've tried both of these approaches with my 8th graders. Until recently, I usually seated students alphabetically while paying attention to gender. I'd also get feedback from previous teachers on whether I should watch out for any "bad combinations." </p><br/> <p>However, these practices don't demand anything from students. Nor do they provide immediate data about the nature of the class. </p><br/> <p>I've found that by engaging students in seating challenges, I set a positive collaborative tone from the first day. I a</p></div></div>
    • gain information about how each class will function—information that might otherwise take weeks to learn.

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    • I think middle grades students know what is expected RULE-wise, and I enforce the basics: self-respect, respect for others and for property. Where I am really “strict” is on procedures – how we do things, when we do things, and where things belong. As our classroom procedures begin to become second nature to my students, the positive learning environment emerges.
    • I build a structured routine of how I envision our classroom looking and functioning, and I model that over and over, helping students create their own method for fitting into the picture. I explain to them why I want things the way I want them and help them see how working together can create a more comfortable place for all of us to be.

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    • Have specific places for students to turn in work. I use plastic stackable baskets with bold clear labels for each class period.
    • Have a designated place for absent students to collect their work when they return to school.

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  • Jul 29, 12

    ways to turn down the temperature with "difficult" students

    • Power Seats, by merit of their location, magnify a student's presence in the class. Safe Zones, on the other hand, downplay the effects of a student's actions on the class dynamics—without compromising his or her access to content.
    • t of Power Seats was midway up the U's right arm (as viewed from the back of class), opposite from where I tend to stand. The four seats on the base of the U gained power by having the best view of the entire room. The last set of Power Seats was near the end of the left arm of the U. These seats were on the sight line to the most frequently used whiteboard.


      Safe Zones were on the arms near the base of the U. Students in these seats have a good view of instruction, but aren't in the view of other students. Another smaller Safe Zone was at the front end of the right arm, near my personal area.

    • look over last year’s yearbook.
    • Create a birthday list for each class (celebrate half-birthdays for summer birthdays, six months from the actual date). Decide what small thing you might do to honor each child.

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    • <div id="center-well"><br/><br/> &lt;!-- .center-well-content begin: actual article/story contents --><br/> <div id="center-well-content"><br/> <br/>&lt;!--<br/><br/>on_before_center_column - start<br/><br/>--><br/><br/><br/>&lt;!--<br/><br/>on_before_center_column - end<br/><br/>--><br/><br/><br/>&lt;!-- Start Content for Search --><br/> <div class="coverdate"><br/> <div class="gray-label-plain">Published Online: September 15, 2010</div><br/> <br/><br/><br/> <br/><br/><br/> </div><br/> <br/> <br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/> <ul class="collection-header"><li class="collection-logo"><a rel="nofollow" href="/tm/collections/teacher-leaders-network/index.html"><img width="385" height="20" src="/media/2010/12/21/tln-long.gif" alt="collection logo"></a> </li><li><a rel="nofollow" href="/tm/collections/teacher-leaders-network/index.html">Complete Coverage <img width="5" height="8" src="/images/more-left-arrow.gif" alt="More"></a></li></ul> <br/><br/><br/> <h1>Teaching Secrets: Taking My Students on a Classroom Tour</h1><br/><br/><br/><br/> <br/> <br/> <div class="byline"><br/> By<br/><br/> <br/><br/> Marsha Ratzel<br/><br/> </div><br/><br/> &lt;!-- user toolbox (story_toolbox_rev2.html) --><br/><br/>&lt;script type="text/javascript"><br/> &lt;!--<br/><br/> function Story() <br/> {<br/> this.title = this.getValue('Title');<br/> this.description = this.getValue('Description');<br/> = this.getValue('Author'); <br/> this.cover_date = this.getValue('Cover_date');<br/><br/> this.uri = ";cmp=clp-edweek";<br/> this.uri_encrypt = "";<br/><br/><br/> }<br/> <br/> Story.prototype.getValue = function (key) <br/> {<br/> var metatags = document.getElementsByTagName("meta");<br/> if (!metatags)<br/> return null;<br/> for (i = 0; i &lt; metatags.length; i++)<br/> {<br/> var name = metatags[i].getAttribute("name");<br/> if (name && name.indexOf(key) == 0)<br/> {<br/> return metatags[i].getAttribute("content");<br/> <br/> }<br/> }<br/> return null;<br/> }<br/> <br/> Story.prototype.getINTC = function (f, g) <br/> {<br/> var result = f;<br/> if (("" != g) && (null != g)) {<br/> if (result.indexOf("intc") &lt; 0) {<br/> result = result + ((result.indexOf('?') &lt; 0) ? 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This can also create a surprising amount of extra time for teaching and learning. Here’s how I do it in my middle grades' classroom. </p><br/> <p>Midway through the first month of school, I offer my tween students a tour of the user-friendly features of my room. And I try to work in bits of humor because, by the second week, they have been talked “at” so much, I think their eyes are permanently rolled up into their heads.</p><br/> <p><strong>The first tour stop is the “Start of Class Procedure and Class Agenda,”</strong> projected on my interactive whiteboa</p></div></div>
    • I use the SmartNotebook software

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    • Don't try to teach too much in one day
    • Don't teach a lesson without a student activity

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    • Emotionally charged events persist much longer in our memories and are recalled with greater accuracy than neutral memories.
    • The brain remembers the emotional components of an experience better than any other aspect.

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    • Students are also far more likely to follow the rules of the classroom if they have a part in creating those rules.
    • Cally Stockton suggests having students create a class constitution.

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  • Aug 08, 12

    *Have parents do a "tell me about your child" sheet at the start of the year, too, while kids are doing the "About Me" initial page

    • middle grades students should be "known as individuals and feel cared for and valued"
    • A Million Words or Less

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    • Leave yourself reminders on your laptop.
    • post-it memos stuck to my laptop with reminders

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    • One factor is classroom management. No matter how adept you are with a teaching technique or tool, your lessons are going to bomb if you're disorganized or don't provide students clear procedures and expectations
    • students were more responsive to me only after I became more responsive to them.

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      • Provides students an outlet for verbalizing thoughts and feelings, thus alleviating the need to act them out.
      • Resolves student-teacher conflict promptly and peacefully
    • Promotes shared accountability and ownership

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    • Allow anonymity
    • Post completed forms. Establish a board or wall in the back of your classroom so that students can read each other's feedback and your responses.

    7 more annotations...

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