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  • Law #5 Legal activity online

    In order to be responsible online, we must obey by what is legal. Posting pictures ad comments about illegal activity is still illegal online and can be used against an individual in a court of law.

  • Oct 14, 13

    Currency: 15 - This web page is updated often.
    Content: 15 - The information written on this page, gave me clear incite to what the information was i was looking for.
    Authority: 3 - I had a hard time finding the authors of this page, I only found that it was kept updated by the New York City Department of Education. 
    Navigation: 10 - This web page was easy navigation, they labeled all of there headings which made it easy to find the information I needed.
    Experience: 10 - The pages set up was great and easy for anyone to use. The colors didn't hurt my eyes and made it easy to read.
    Multimedia: 8 - The images and links on the website led you to other subjects but there wasn't any images or links for the subject i was researching. 
    Treatment: 10 - I wasn't asked to join anything or had pop up adds so I found the site very resourceful.
    Access: 5- It had easy access from any web search engine and was useful.
    Miscellaneous: 10 - There was miscellaneous on this web page, it was very professional and well kept.

    • Internet access and e-mail provided by the Department are intended for educational use, instruction, research and the facilitation of communication, collaboration, and other Department related purposes.
    • Users have no right to privacy while using the Department’s Internet Systems

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  • Oct 14, 13

    Currency: 10 - This article is kept updated yearly.
    Content: 15 - The content stays on topic and does not stray off from the point it is making. 
    Authority: 10 - The authors are clearly stated at the bottom of the pdf file. 
    Navigation: 10 - The facts flowed together and had good sources backing them up. 
    Experience: 10 - The article was easy reading and had great flow.
    Multimedia: 8 - There was not a lot of multimedia used in this article. It did not need a lot though, it would have taken away from the article and been distracting. 
    Treatment: 10 - The article got straight to the point they were making. I did not have to join the website. 
    Access: 5 - This article was easy to access and the text was well written.
    Miscellaneous: 10 - Over all this article was amazing. It stayed on topic and gave me alot of information.

    • copyright issues
    • selected media-relevant websites

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  • Oct 14, 13

    Currency: 15 - This article is kept updated monthly.
    Content: 15 - The content stays on topic and does not stray off. 
    Authority: 10 - The authors are clearly stated. 
    Navigation: 10 - The information flowed well and the subjects had great facts to back them up. 
    Experience: 10 - The article was easy reading and had great flow.
    Multimedia: 8 - There was not a lot of multimedia used
    Treatment: 10 - I was not asked to buy anything. The article got straight to the point they were making. 
    Access: 5 - This article was easy to access and the reading was easy.
    Miscellaneous: 10 - This article stayed focused on its point. It did not have pop up adds and kept true to its statements.

    • potential benefits for consumers are juxtaposed against challenges for retailers
    • Advances in online technologies and bandwidth availability have opened new vistas for online distribution of digital goods,

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  • Law #4 Online Crime

    Committing Crime online is no different than committing a crime off line. Crimes online can be as simple as copyrighting someones work for your own all the way to identity theft. Downloading files with out permission or authorization is a serious crime online that is committed daily. Using the web to infect programs with viruses is also another online crime that very common and very illegal.

  • Oct 14, 13

    Currency : 13 - This article was updated last year but I feel like this subject doesn't change very much. So I conceder it resourceful. 
    Content: 15 - The content was on point and had great facts in it.
    Authority: 10 - I was able to locate the author very easily an the when it was published,
    Navigation: 10 - Easy to read through and follow what I was reading. 
    Experience: 10 - Facts were easy to find and informative. 
    Multimedia: 5 - Not many images or other multimedia but I don't need that when the article gives such clear facts like this one did.
    Treatment: 10 - This article is well kept and easy to pull info from and open to the public.
    Access 5 - I found it on ebscohost but it was easy to find through ebscohost.
    Miscellaneous: 10 - This website didn't try to sell me anything it gave me straight forward information.  

    • sexting and infidelity on the internet
    • use the internet to find partners

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  • Oct 14, 13

    Currency: 10 - This web site was updated last year but has been up since 2010. They keep it updated some what. 
    Content: 15 - They stay on subject and is very informative. Also easy to follow.
    Navigation: 10- The author is clearly stated at the bottom 
    Experience:10 - the page gets straight to the point and is easy to read. 
    Multimedia: 0 - the website lacks any video or eye catching pictures, it gets straight to the point 
    Treatment: 10 - this page is professional, it was clear and written by a very knowledgeable source.
    Access: 10 - this page is very easy to navigate and find on the web.  
    Miscellaneous: 15 - this page is easy printing and easy access. very informative. 

    • Digital Law relates to crimes of stealing or causing damage to other people’s work, identity, or digital property
    • Stealing someone's identity is called identity thef

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  • Oct 14, 13

    Currency: 15 - the article was posted very recently and the surveys were up to date.
    Content: 8  - it had good context but i had to find it personally and search for the facts i needed.
    Authority:10 -  the author was not on ebschost so i had to go to the web page and look for it myself but the author was easy to find. 
    Navigation: 10 - it was very easy to navigate through, I found the facts very fast.
    Experience: 10 - It was easy to read, the color scheme they chose made it easy for reading. 
    Multimedia: 10 - on ebscohost the article didn't have pictures but there website had pictures and had a wide spread of multimedia through out it. 
    Treatment: 10 - It was on point with the subject this article focused on. it gave very exact numbers.
    Access: 5 - this article was easy to access and had good points as soon i opened the article. 
    Miscellaneous: 10 - it kept on point and did not try to sell me anything. This website gave me clear information 

    • finds that many people are unaware that their social media activity can have legal repercussions.
    • “Our society’s inclination to tweet, post and share everything about our personal lives can be fun – but it can also lead to legal trouble,” said Larry Bodine, Esq., Editor-in-Chief of

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  • Law #3 Public or Private Viewing

    Public or not anything that you post online is instantly recorded. Though your images or posts may be blocked from the public, business owners and job employers have free access to anything you have posted in your past. Anything posted online never leaves the web, even if you have "deleted" the item, it still remains online stored in data bases.

  • Oct 14, 13

    Currency: 10 - The web site is updated monthly
    Content : 8 - The information is okay but i have to pick and choose what i can use out of it.
    Authority : 10 - it was clear who posted this but i did have to look through the website to find the author.
    Navigation: 5 - The navigation is weird on this site, but i still found what i needed
    Experience: 10 - The website was good easy to read off of. It did not hurt my eyes.
    Multimedia: 10 - The website used different types of media and images to give a clear idea of the information they were getting across to the readers.
    Treatment: 8 - The website was stereotyping different age groups of people and their ability to knowledge about protecting your online privacy.
    Access: 5 - the site was easy to access, they have tabs allowing users to navigate with ease through the page.
    Miscellaneous: 10 - You do have to pre-pay if you would like the service of the protection they were offering. Even though the web page was for the purpose of the company to sell online security, it gave helpful information and facts.

    • Web browsers have evolved into highly customizable software platforms capable of controlling and protecting much of the information that flows between you and the parties you interact with online.
    • Modern browsers have an impressive array of privacy enhancing capabilities and options.

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  • Oct 14, 13

    Currency: 15 - This web page is kept up to date.
    Content: 15 - The context was amazing and had great information. 
    Authority: 8 - it was very hard to locate the author but i did.
    Navigation: 10 - it was very easy to navigate on this page even with all the information given, it was organized. 
    Experience: 10 - This article gave great information and kept on subject.
    Multimedia: 2 - This site had no visuals relating to the topic i was researching.  
    Treatment: 9  - Was great information and facts backed it up.
    Access: 5 -  Easy to get to from a search engine.
    Miscellaneous: 10 - The page did have a lot of links but they were useful for other information related to the subject.

    • private companies are tracking as many of our movements as they can online
    • selling that information to other companies who in turn share it with law enforcement and the government.

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  • Oct 14, 13

    Currency: 7 - This web page is not kept up to date but it was useful.
    Content: 15 - The content was exactly what I was looking for. 
    Authority: 3 - The author was not clearly stated but it is an .edu so I used it. 
    Navigation: 10 - Navigation was easy and the headings were true to there statements. 
    Experience: 10 - It was easy reading and the information was creditable
    Multimedia: 7 - This web page had adds on the side but they were all informational adds, not just random buy this and that. The page didn't use any media to help prove points.
    Treatment: 10 - Kept on subject and flowed smoothly. 
    Access: 5 - Access to this site was easy and access to other parts of information on the site was easy to find.
    Miscellaneous: 10 - The web page did a good job at keeping all the miscellaneous information out and only the useful information in. 

    • . Are you prepared to have those words and images represent you for months, and even years to come?
    • Your postings on profiles and to chats and blogs may have cyberlives much longer than what you might have imagined or intended, and may reach a much wider audience than you could have anticipated.

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  • Law #2 Language Content

    Freedom of speech applies online too. The content that a individual posts on the web creates their a digital identity, which is free for viewing for anyone. The way you present yourself online will always be there.

  • Oct 13, 13

    Currency: 15 - This web page was updated actually updated the day i accessed it.
    Content: 5 - the context was a little of everything, i had to pick and choose what i wanted.
    Authority: 10 - the author was clearly stated at the bottom.
    Navigation: 9 - I give this article a nine because even though it was easy to navigate through, i had to really look for the information i wanted out of it.
    Experience: 8 - I had a hard time finding the facts that i wanted out of this but i eventually found them.
    Multimedia: 8- It had a few images but didn't really correlate to what the subject on the page was about.
    Treatment: 7- It wasn't on point like other articles i read.
    Access: 5 - it was easy to access from a search engine but like I stated earlier it didn't flow smoothly in its context.
    Miscellaneous: 10 - This page wasn't trying to sell me anything but it kept bouncing around.

    • connectivity, authenticity, and style.
    • our breathtaking ability to send vast amounts of data instantly, constantly, and globally

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  • Oct 14, 13

    Currency: 15 - This web page is kept up to date monthly.
    Content: 10 - The context was good but it could have been better and given more information on certain topics. It sold it's self short.
    Authority: 4 - it was very hard to locate the author.
    Navigation: 9 - it was very easy to navigate on this page even though it did lack information i felt.
    Experience: 6 - I did not enjoy reading this article, it give limited information.
    Multimedia: 10 - This site had great visuals and good use of images tying in with the information below it.
    Treatment: 8 - This site was informational but like I stated it could have had more information for its viewers.
    Access: 5- Very easy access and easy to get to from a search engine.
    Miscellaneous: 6 - It did have a lot of random links but that was probably only because NYC is a school and they want you to sign up for classes.

    • hese digital communication tools range from traditional e-mail services to robust interactive websites.
    • digital communication and collaboration can be critical to indirectly supporting

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  • Oct 14, 13

    Currency: 15 - This web page was updated this year. I found it very resourceful.
    Content: 15 - The article stayed on point and was very clear about the information it was giving. 
    Authority: 10 - The author was clearly stated. 
    Navigation: 10 - This web page had great transitions from each point in the article and it was easy to navigate.
    Experience: 10 - It was informational and easy to read, which to me made an over all great experience. They even had a live chat. 
    Multimedia: 10 - The was not videos or images but the live chat they offered was amazing. 
    Treatment: 10 - They did no stereotype and the article was written with fairness.
    Access: 5 - Very easy access to the information I needed out of this article.
    Miscellaneous: 10 - This web page did not try to sell me anything and did not have any distracting ads. 

    • communications performed with and by digital technology
    • Multimedia developers and managers use digital communications methods to create any variety of entertainment, graphic design, and artistic productions.

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  • Law #1 Citizenship Online

    We become citizens online while actively engaging in communication through the web. The way we participate in any online activity reflects our image. It is important to watch what we post and post only self honoring things.

  • Oct 13, 13

    Currency: 10 - This web page is not updated often but has useful information.
    Content: 15 -This web page has amazing content, it is on point and has the most facts that i have found so far. 
    Authority : 10 - the author was hard to locate because it is a godaddy account.  
    Navigation: 10 - Information was organized and informative. 
    Experience: 10 - I enjoyed reading from this site it made it easy and clear what i was reading. 
    Multimedia: 10- Images were used and tied in with the content. 
    Treatment: 10 - Very well kept and organized, it gives the reader easy access to information. 
    Access 5 - The information was amazing and was exactly what i was looking for. They organized the site well and made it easy to access.
    Miscellaneous: 10 - They got straight to the point and did not make you read or click out of pop ups. 

    • electronic exchange of information.
    • Digital Communication:

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  • Oct 14, 13

    Currency: 15  -This article was up to date,
    Content: 15 - Very clear and had amazing information.
    Authority: 10 - The webpage clearly stated who the author was and what resources were used.
    Navigation: 10 - The web page actually linked to a pdf file and it was so useful and informational.
    Experience: 10 - Easy read and it was easy to find the facts i was looking for.
    Multimedia : 10 - Great use of images and theme to keep you interested in what the content on the page had to offer.
    Treatment: 10 -This page was over all just amazing and filled with facts.
    Access 5 - It was easy to find the article and the pdf file was even easier to navigate.
    Miscellaneous: 10 - This page did not try to sell me anything and gave me very useful information. It stayed on topic and the facts were backed up by the sources cited. 

    • -broadly defined as media such as the Internet, social network sites and cell phones that allow users to interac
    • Many schools, however, have been reluctant to allow students to use digital participatory media for learning during the school day.

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  • Oct 14, 13

    Currency: 15 - It was updated this year.
    Content: 15 - Facts were true and backed by sources that were creditable.
    Authority: 10 - The authors were clearly stated.
    Navigation: 10 - The information was delivered clearly and easy to find.
    Experience: 10 - Easy to read and find exactly what i needed out of the article. 
    Multimedia: 10 - Images matched subject very well.
    Treatment: 10 -  Great facts backed by reliable sources. 
    Access: 5 - Easy access to the article and the information used in it.
    Miscellaneous: 10 -This web site did not try to sell me anything, It was straight to the point. 

    • The meaning of citizenship has usually been associated with the power of individuals in the process of social decision-making
    • In the past, the 3Rs

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