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    • Graphs or charts help people understand data quickly.
    • When you come to plot data, the known value goes on the x-axis and the measured (or "unknown") value on the y-axis.

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    • The “index” shows how an individual site’s audience compares to the internet population as a whole. For example, an index of 100 indicates a site’s audience is equivalent to the demographic make-up of the total internet population. Any number over 100 means that the property is “over indexed” and attracts a more concentrated group of a particular demographic group than in the general internet population.
    • When one of Skinner's rats pressed a lever, it was given a food pellet. By experiment Skinner then established that if a pellet was delivered only on the 10th press of the lever, the rat would quickly learn to press the lever 10 times.
    • If, however, a random element was introduced to the lever-pressing, whereby a pellet was still introduced on average one in 10 times, but sometimes delivered twice or three times in a row and sometimes not for 20 or more presses, the rat apparently became obsessed with the lever-operation itself.

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