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Corona S's List: Abuse/Child Abuse

  • Nov 09, 13

    - Such a beautiful story. It's silent but full of emotions, just like the Charles in this. Low-esteemed!Charles always hid his real feelings, those not so pleasant ones, such like anger and sadness and loss. He would listen to his friends talking, smilingly, give a response here and there. But if you squint hard enough, you may find he was heartless in all of them. He had his problems, his never-sober!mother and his sometimes-violent!stepfather. He also had a stepbrother who didn't hurt or harm him in any way though hated him nonetheless. It's like his heart was gone with his father. He felt unwanted in every way and put up a poker face, but deep inside, he craved for love and touch. Hence why he went out to a gay bar and gave his all to a stranger after getting hit by his stepfather one night. It's when murmured endearment like "such a good boy" that he felt LOVED. Now he sounded like a problem kid but all of these were hidden under the surface then slowly revealed, piece by piece by Erik. Erik was a decent man, moral and righteous. He would never lay a finger on his student but he met Charles, he should know it better not to get himself involved. But the ending. OMG. You can't just end it there!!! TT______TT I can't stop leaping toward the possible ending that Charles didn't send the letter out and Erik will never meet him again. It's likely they won't cross line ever again and move on with life, like each other was just someone can only be mentioned in memories too personal to share with anyone. Oh my. *sob*

    36,367 | (nonmutant AU) Charles Xavier- rich, introverted, and academic- begins his senior year of high school in 1962. Erik Lehnsherr, despite his own efforts, is the first person to properly reach out to him. Both are astonished to find a human being on the other side.

    He still had those sharp cheekbones and those weird stony eyes and neatly parted hair. The line of his mouth when someone asked a stupid question remained unchanged. Yet Xavier caught himself watching the man's hand as Lehnsherr wrote down a formula on the board, wondering where it had been. He'd never known someone before finding out they were queer. It was- startling, actually. Lehnsherr didn't look like a fag.

    But then again, neither did he.

  • Nov 05, 13

    - Set just after Logan gets back from Alkali Lake at the beginning of X2. At first it's just that Scott had the girl Logan desired so he liked to tease him and tried his best to get him angry. But later Logan found that Scott was more desirable than Jean. When Scott was captured by Sabretooth, Logan set his mind to rescue the boy Scout. Telepathic connection between Sabretooth and Wolverine. Sabretooth beat Scott and starved him, sending the image to Logan. Never-giving-in!Scott. Sabretooth revealed some dark memories to Scott - the one that Scott was raped by Sabretooth on the Island, which was wiped from his mind by Charles. Taken over by his somewhat animalistic instinct, Logan went all animal and literally split Sabretooth in halves in front of Scott. Scott, scared and still weak from the drugs Sabretooth used on him (which took away his ability temporarily), can't fight back when Animal!Logan savaged him. Major non-con between Scott/Logan by this part. Logan acted like some alpha animal in heat and just want to breed Scott with half a dozen cubs. Sabretooth found them and wanted to help Scott out of it but refused by a protective!Scott. Sensing Scott's asthenia, Logan got anxious and hurt himself. When he finally came to, he forgot all he had done to Scott, who was more than willing to pretend it was anybody but Logan did that to him. The other members finally found them and all of them knew it. Angry!hurt!Charles decided to wipe their memories for their own good. Though without the memories, they still felt the pull toward each other. Brief love triangle Jean/Scott/Logan. Scott wanted to go back where all this happened and Logan won't let him go without him. They took a flight with Blackbird but the jet crashed and Scott was heavily injured.

    108,340 | Logan finds out the hard way that he really doesn't like other people hurting that annoying Scott Summers guy…

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