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Cindy Ayers's List: Alternate Work Arrangements: Win or Lose for Company execs?

  • WP#4-Portfolio-Reflection revision suggestions

    This assignment did not receive any critical peer reviews. However, after reading comments from Mr. Adams it was obvious I missed the grading criteria. The primary revision I would make is first review the grading criteria and make sure I understand every component and requirement. Thorough evaluation of the sources was a key element to the success of this writing as it would be used in the integration of sources needed to support my perspective in my final writing project. Obviously I would revise this in order to receive a higher grade on the assignment.

  • Introduction

    Bankers hours, 9 to 5, sunrise to sunset. These are all terms for standard work schedules. Can you guess which schedule fits which occupation? Obviously the term bankers hours is a schedule most likely to pertain to workers in the banking or corporate financial filed. The term 9 to 5 generally refers to those workers in many government office jobs like the department of motor vehicles or courthouses. And sunrise to sunset is a schedule that is most often endured by farmers, although most farmers I have ever known are usually up and working long before sun-up and continue well beyond the great streetlight in the sky comes up after dark. These types of work schedules are becoming less and less commonplace in our corporate society due to a global economy, workers desiring a easier way to balance work-family life, opportunities for employers to reduce office space cost, and a desire to reduce carbon footprints of corporations. Offering employees flexible or alternate work schedules may not be a question of win or lose for company executives after all. It may mean both employer and employee can experience substantial benefit. But can there be benefit without risk? Although it may be possible, it is unlikely in the case of offering alternate work schedules, especially for certain types of businesses.

  • Jan 29, 11

    Koch, K. (1998, August 14). Flexible work arrangements. CQ Researcher, 8, 697-720. Retrieved from

    This article addresses alternate work arrangements: Telecommuting and flexible schedules. Information regarding increase/decrease productivity, cost/savings associated to providing these alternate arrangements, and benefits to employers who offer such options is discussed as well.

  • Feb 12, 11

    Waichler, Iris What are the Strengths and Weaknesses of Alternate Work Schedules? eHow 1 Apr. 2010. Web. 18 Feb. 2011

    This article shares some strengths and weakensses as they pertain to alternative work schedules. Included are stigmas commonplace in work environments where some but not all employees participate in alternative schedules.

  • Mar 03, 11

    Economist. 17 June 2006. 379(8482): 73-74 Retrieved from Academic Search Premier

    Employees are seeking work that fits their lifestyle better than their workstyle. Some companies saw the change of mood some time ago. IBM has more than 50 different programs promoting work-life balance and Bank of America over 30. However, there are many other firms that remain unconvinced and lack the ability to offer such benefits even if they wanted to.

  • Mar 03, 11

    Shields, Julie (2004) How to ask your boss for flexible work hours. T+D. Jan2004 58(1):14 Retrieved from Academic Search Premier

    Julie Shields is an advocate for family-friendly work environments. This article is taken from a trade magazine T+D (Training and Developoment) and provides some helpful tips on how to request a flexible work schedule from your boss. Critical points to consider when approaching your boss is to present your request in a serious and professional manner. If you do a little investigative work upfront and find out what the company policies are you will have a better idea of how to present your request. Some companies have enjoyed significant savings in employee turnover and retraining costs. Employment performance and satisfaction is known to have increased when companies offer flexibility in the work schedule.

  • Feb 25, 11

    McMenamin, Terrence M. (2007) A time to work: recent trends in shift work and flexible schedules. Monthly Labor Review, Dec. 2007. 130,12. Retrieved from Academic Search Premier
    It is a very detailed and labor intensive resource. I will skim it for statistical data to support or argue the research question of this writing. This article provides information regarding the various groups of people who work an AWS (Alternate Work Schedule). It provides statistical data ranging from percentage of male and female coworkers from 1985-2004 who worked AWS and includes race and industry data.

  • Mar 03, 11

    Welch, J. & Welch, S. (2008) Why your office isn't like GOOGLE'S. BusinessWeek. 25Aug. 2008. 4097: 100 Retrieved from Academic Search Premier

    This article discusses GOOGLE Corp and their philosophy that offering flexibility in the workplace, not only with schedules but with employee involvement is critical to business success. With employee empowerment a company will reap the benefits of an employee pool that has high morale and a desire for improved productivity.

  • Feb 19, 11

    Mariani, M. (2007) Telecommuters. Occupational Outlook Quarterly Fall 2007. 8 pgs. Web.

    This was obtained using google and was found at the Bureau of Labor Statistics website. Article by Matthew Mariani taken from Occupational Outlook Quarterly fall 2000. Discusses what telecommuting is and why it is on the rise. It provides information on the technology required to support telecommuters. It also provides a telecommuter self-assessment to determine if telecommuting is right for you.

  • Mar 05, 11

    Howell, Whitney L. J. (2010) Hospitals offer flexible work schedules, boost morale. H&HN: Hospitals & Health Networks Aug 2010. 84(8): 11 Retrieved from Academic Search Premier
    This article shares benefits some hospitals have enjoyed by offering flexible work schedules and telecommuting options to employees. Not only is morale and employee satisfaction improved, where telecommuting options are available hospitals can use the vacated office space to expand medical programs.

  • Feb 12, 11

    Heathfield, Susan M. More Tips to Reduce Employee Turnover. Weblog. Retrieved from 18 Feb. 2011.

    This blog posting provides tips employers can use to retain employees. By providing not only competitive slalary and benefit packages, by introducing a couple of other benefits employers can increase the loyalty of their employees. One of the tips incliuded in the list is offering flexible work schedules.

  • Jan 29, 11

    Clark, C. S. (1992, August 14). Work, family and stress. CQ Researcher, 2, 689-712. Retrieved from
    This source was found using the MCC database CQ Researcher. The article presents the conflicts of balancing work, family, leisure in the live of Americans. Information discussing how some manage it by telecommuting or flexible work schedules helps with the stress.

    • Conflicts between work and family continue to raise questions about the roles of  men and women, questions that society has been struggling with since women first  entered the work force in large numbers three decades ago.
    • The frustration was evident in a 1990 Roper Organization poll, which found that  for the first time in 15 years, more respondents (41 percent) said the most  important thing in their lives was leisure rather than work (36 percent).

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  • Mar 05, 11

    Laabs, Jennifer J. (1998) California's overtime law makes alternative scheduling easier. Workforce. Mar 1998. 77(3): 14 Retrieved from Academic Search Premier
    This article focuses on the the California overtime law which was instituted in 1998 allows employers an easier time of offering flexible work schedules to employees. Previous law required employers to pay overtime rates to employees who worked over 8 hours in a day. The new law allows employers to pay premium rates when an employee reaches in excess of 40 hours in a week.

  • Mar 03, 11

    Alini, Erica. (2011). Good work, at times. Maclean's. 24Jan. 2011. 124(2):42. Retrieved from Academic Search Premier

    Part-time employment in Canada is on the rise. And although some may think that a rise in part-time employement may be a sign of the recession, it may not be all that bad after all. The article states that findings from a survey of Canadian workers found the only factor more imporant than salary was the ability to enjoy a flexible work schedule when looking for a new job. Further statements in the article also mention turnover rates are greatly reduced when companies offer flexible work schedules according to many U.S. companies.

  • Conclusion

    In review of the research I have conducted to this point, I have discovered I have chosen more information that expresses my theories and viewpoint. My goal in this research and writing assignment was to be as objective as possible but I find myself gravitate to data that substantiates my opinion on the subject. I realize now after evaluating my resources more thoroughly, I must find resources that provide another viewpoint. I may have to conduct personal interviews if I cannot find sources that will provide another perspective.

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