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    • Cooler heads eventually prevailed, and the father reports he was successful  in convincing school officials to withdraw not only the threat but the formal  reprimand that had been placed in his son's educational file.


      WND also reported a student was punished  for advocating gun rights and another  was punished for  a sketch of a gun

    • After extensive research, linking Bible quotations with real political events  and acts of violence however produced an insufficient basis for a thorough  journalistic production.”
    • This is the silliness that accompanies moral relativism. In their quest to prove  that all cultures are equal, they rush to excuse barbarity by discovering  barbarity in our own religion. Only, we don’t see significant or even fringe  “jihadi” movements in Judaism or Christianity, or for that matter in Buddhism or  Hinduism either. Only one major religion has that kind of movement, and as  Wilders demonstrated, it is based on the core scriptural texts of their belief.  That doesn’t mean the vast majority of its practitioners are jihadists, but it  does mean that there really are quantitative and qualitative differences between  the two texts — which really should be an obvious point.
    • "It wasn't many years ago that almost everyone accepted that infanticide is  intrinsically and inherently wrong," wrote Smith. "No more. With personhood  theory and the 'quality of life' ethic increasingly permeating the highest  levels of the medical and bioethical intelligentsia, we are moving toward a  medical system in which babies are put down like dogs and killing is redefined  as compassion.
    • Agence France-Presse, in a report on Mumia Abu-Jamal, who has been on Pennsylvania's  death row for over twenty-five years for the murder of Philadelphia police  officer Daniel Faulkner in 1981, referred to the cop killer as a "human rights  campaigner."
    • “‘What if our kids really believed we wanted them to have great sex?’  Introducing pleasure to the peril of sex education

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    • The report said that in a letter to students and staff members he wrote that  his decision to take the cross out of the chapel was governed by principles he  found in the U.S. Constitution. He also credited the Constitution for his  decision to allow the sex workers show on the publicly funded campus.

    • But nearly 20,000 alumni and students eventually signed a petition seeking  its restoration to the historic structure on what is the second oldest  university in America, and an institution that began as a Christian  ministry.

    • WHOOPI GOLDBERG: Do I have to be worried about becoming a slave again?

    • Should I be worried about being a slave, about being returned to slavery  because certain things happened in the Constitution that you had to change.
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