12 items | 10 visits
A list of resources from the Create your own Personal Learning Network workshop, run at the 2012 ATOM Reframed conference.
Updated on Aug 10, 12
Created on Aug 10, 12
Category: Schools & Education
Here is the full program for the Victorian PLN course, exploring technology in relation to teaching and learning.
Save, organise and share your bookmarks online.
Bright Ideas has produced a user guide to getting started with Diigo. Learn how to save bookmarks, create new groups and organise your library.
Search of the #vicpln hashtag on Twitter. This community of educators is sharing links using this common hashtag.
Twitter is a brilliant tool for sharing links, connecting with other educators and sharing your thoughts. In this guide, find out how to get started with Twitter.
Twitter is a brilliant tool for sharing links, connecting with other educators and sharing your thoughts. In this guide, find out how to harness the power of Twitter and create communities with hashtags.
Google Reader is an RSS reader, which allows you to subscribe to most websites and see all new articles in the one place.
This page guides you through the process of subscribing to other websites and using Google Reader to aggregate all of your content.
The State Library of Victoria has a wide range of resources available both at the library and online. Join the library online from the home page.
Members of the State Library can access a number of online Newspaper databases from home, including Press Display, which includes full newspapers from a number of countries.
The National Library of Australia website Trove lets you search for a wide range of resources including digitsised newspapers, pictures and diaries.
Bright Ideas is a blog that explores technology in education and libraries. It also includes user guides to help you through the use of a range of web tools.
12 items | 10 visits
A list of resources from the Create your own Personal Learning Network workshop, run at the 2012 ATOM Reframed conference.
Updated on Aug 10, 12
Created on Aug 10, 12
Category: Schools & Education