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  • Oct 10, 13 is one of the digital industry's top news sites. With multiple reviews from the latest tech to mobile gadgets and phones, CNET has build a trusted name for itself within the digital world. CNET also goes on to credit YouTube and Billboard within the article, providing links and direct access to the reported content.

      • is one of the digital industry's top news sites. With multiple reviews from the latest tech to mobile gadgets and phones, CNET has build a trusted name for itself within the digital world. CNET also goes on to credit YouTube and Billboard within the article, providing links and direct access to the reported content.

  • Oct 10, 13

    The New York Times has been a highly accredited news article for decades and continues to produce information that can be backed up by facts. Along with the links and access to articles provides from YouTube and Billboard, The New York Times also include quotes from the organizations during interviews, and a detailed discussion of what the new standard will mean for the music industry.

      • The New York Times has been a highly accredited news article for decades and continues to produce information that can be backed up by facts. Along with the links and access to articles provides from YouTube and Billboard, The New York Times also include quotes from the organizations during interviews, and a detailed discussion of what the new standard will mean for the music industry.

  • Oct 10, 13

    Although the article offers and opinion of the authors view on the topic of YouTube and Billboard coming together for charting status, the article includes the links to another article of the same site, linking to the announcement from about their new partnership with YouTube and Nielsen. The website appears to be a blog, however it does include linked content from YouTube, dates and times of postings, and contact information in the event that the article posting would have content that is misleading or incorrect.

      • Although the article offers and opinion of the authors view on the topic of YouTube and Billboard coming together for charting status, the article includes the links to another article of the same site, linking to the announcement from about their new partnership with YouTube and Nielsen. The website appears to be a blog, however it does include linked content from YouTube, dates and times of postings, and contact information in the event that the article posting would have content that is misleading or incorrect.

  • Oct 10, 13

    CNN is one of the largest news media outlets in the world, operating both internationally and domestically within the United States. Throughout the article, CNN offers links to the direct sources cited within the article, and also includes content taken from an interview from the Director of Charts at Billboard. They are a trusted name within the realm of news media and have built a strong name for themselves within their operation of over the past three decades.

      • CNN is one of the largest news media outlets in the world, operating both internationally and domestically within the United States. Throughout the article, CNN offers links to the direct sources cited within the article, and also includes content taken from an interview from the Director of Charts at Billboard. They are a trusted name within the realm of news media and have built a strong name for themselves within their operation of over the past three decades.

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