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    • Según este método es el precio el que determina el coste y las inversiones son decididas una vez que el precio ha sido establecido. El siguiente esquema muestra la diferencia entre el precio determinado por el coste y el determinado por el valor.
    • El precio basado en el coste comienza con el producto. Los departamentos de Iingeniería y Producción diseñan un “buen” producto, luego Finanzas calcula los costes totales y al final el departamento de Marketing tiene la tarea de comunicar con publicidad que hay suficiente valor en el producto para justificar el precio.

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    • 2. Sigue trabajando en tu startup
    • Recaudar el dinero siempre lleva más tiempo del que te imaginabas. Lo que parece que será una interrupción de 2 semanas se convierte en una interrupción de 4 meses. Esto puede ser muy desmoralizante. Y peor aún, puede convertirte en algo menos atractivo para los inversores. Los inversores buscan empresas dinámicas. Una empresa que en 4 meses no generó algo nuevo, no parece ser dinámica, entonces, empiezan a perder interés.

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    • To me, the definition of good debt is any debt that is used to grow assets and is tax deductible
    • An Investment Loan - For example, with the Smith Manoeuvre, the HELOC interest on a readvanceable mortgage is 100% tax deductible providing that the HELOC is invested in income producing assets.

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    • you never know if you like something until you try it!
    • Try different things in order to find your way

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    • 2. Fortalezca el trabajo en equipo. El trabajo en equipo es muy importante en los deportes y también en los negocios. Incluso los deportes más individualistas como puede ser la maratón requiere de un trabajo en equipo donde le maratonista tienen que tener un excelente entrenador y auxiliares que le ayuden a ese esfuerzo de largo aliento que es similar en los negocios. Si usted quiere ganar dinero entonces conforme un equipo de trabajo sólido y de primer nivel.
    • Igual ocurre en los negocios uno es más hábil en ciertas cosas que en otras entonces uno debe concentrarse en esas áreas para desarrollar su idea de negocios y tal vez usar a empleados o socios para cubrir las áreas donde uno no es fuerte. Aprender nuestras fortalezas y limitaciones es muy importante.

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    • A good rule of thumb is to subtract your age from 100. Allocate that % of your portfolio to stocks. Me being 25 (100-25 = 75), I would want to allocate around 75% of my portfolio in stocks.
    • 3. Start Yesterday


      Yes, we are young, but even the difference between starting at 20 vs. 25 or especially 30 is huge in the long haul.


      Developing smart investing habits now vs. later in life pays out exponentially in the future because of the "magic" of compounding returns.

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    • Sponsor a contest. When you can find a larger business that’s running a contest, sponsoring it with your cash, products or services can put you in front of a lot of people throughout the entire promotion.
    • Create your own contest.

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    • Fix everything two ways


      Almost every tech support problem has two solutions. The superficial and immediate solution is just to solve the customer’s problem. But when you think a little harder you can usually find a deeper solution: a way to prevent this particular problem from ever happening again.

    • Every time a plane crashes, they send out investigators, figure out what happened, and then figure out a new policy to prevent that particular problem from ever happening again.

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    • 1. Work on Your Portfolio Site


      The portfolio is critical to attracting new clients and building your reputation as a designer. An outstanding portfolio speaks for itself.

    • it’s not just the quality of the work itself that’s important, how you display it can also make a big difference

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    • 5. Out-of-pocket charitable contributions. It's hard to overlook the big charitable gifts you made during the year, by check or payroll deduction. But little things add up, too, and you can write off out-of-pocket costs you incur while doing good works. Ingredients for casseroles you regularly prepare for a nonprofit organization's soup kitchen, for example, or the cost of stamps you buy for your school's fundraiser count as a charitable contribution. More: Charitable Deductions
    • 6. Moving expense to take first job. Here's an interesting dichotomy: Job-hunting expenses incurred while looking for your first job are not deductible; but moving expenses to get to that first job are. And you get this write-off even if you don't itemize. If you moved more than 50 miles, you can deduct the cost of getting yourself and your household goods to the new area, including 20 cents a mile (and parking fees and tolls) for driving your own car.

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    • Where's the money? That is, how will you get customers to pay you?
    • "Too many businesses are started without a clear path to money. Often this stems from not really understanding who the customer is and how the business will reach that customer. Self delusion can often be found in the assumptions made about getting to the customer."

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    • What is your product or service?


      What are customers going to give you money for?


      Every company exists to create new value. That's what customers are paying for. What do you do to earn your income?

    • Who's going to give you money? Who are you marketing to?

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    • A telemarketing company increased phone calls to its 800 line by changing part of its script from “Operators are waiting, please call now” to “If operators a busy, please call again.” Thus, the impression changed from idle operators waiting for the phone to ring because sales weren’t great to operators too busy to handle all the business. This is called the principle of social proof
    • This is why we think restaurants with a long line to get in must serve good food.

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